Keywords used in the CAMS catalogue

The catalogue of the CAMS corpus uses a standardised set of keywords to describe the designation, genre, period, and provenance of each tablet. They are listed here to help you search and sort CAMS effectively.


The conventional designations of the tablets in CAMS are based on their places of first publication. They are typically composed of one of the abbreviations below, followed by a number (which may begin with zero), e.g., ACT 1032.

Abbreviation Full reference
ACT [] Neugebauer, O. 1955. Astronomical cuneiform texts, 3 volumes. Princeton: Institute for Advanced Study.
BagM 21 [] Friberg, J., H. Hunger and F. N. H. Al-Rawi. 1990. "Seed and reeds": a metro-mathematical topic text from Late Babylonian Uruk. Baghdader Mitteilungen 21: 483–557.
BagM Beih. 02 [] Van Dijk, J. and W. Mayer. 1980. Texte aus dem Rēš-Heiligtum in Uruk-Warka (Baghdader Mitteilungen. Beiheft 2). Berlin: Mann.
BRM 4 [] Clay, A. T. 1923. Epics, hymns, omens, and other texts (Babylonian Records in the Library of J. Pierpont Morgan 4). New Haven: Yale University Press.
CTN 4 [] Wiseman, D. and J. A. Black. 1996. Literary texts from the temple of Nabû (Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud, 4). London: British School of Archaeology in Iraq.
SpTU 1 [] Hunger, H. 1976. Spätbabylonische Texte aus Uruk, I (Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Forschungs-gemeinschaft in Uruk-Warka. Endberichte 9). Berlin: Mann.
SpTU 2 [] von Weiher, E. 1983. Spätbabylonische Texte aus Uruk, II (Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in Uruk-Warka. Endberichte 10). Berlin: Mann.
SpTU 3 [] von Weiher, E. 1988. Spätbabylonische Texte aus Uruk, III (Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in Uruk-Warka. Endberichte 11). Berlin: Mann.
SpTU 4 [] von Weiher, E. 1993. Spätbabylonische Texte aus Uruk, IV (Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in Uruk-Warka. Endberichte 12). Mainz: Von Zabern.
SpTU 5 [] von Weiher, E. 1998. Spätbabylonische Texte aus Uruk, V (Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in Uruk-Warka. Endberichte 13). Mainz: Von Zabern.
TCL 06 [] Thureau-Dangin, F. 1922. Tablettes d'Uruk à l'usage des prêtres du temple d'Anu au temps des Séleucides (Textes cunéiformes du Louvre 6). Paris: Geuthner.
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These genre designations are used to group the corpus into clusters of similar compositions, including pertinent commentaries and catalogues where appropriate. They do not necessarily reflect ancient ways of categorising scholarly writings.

Keyword Comment
AdministrativeAdministrative records including accounts
AstrologicalUsed only to describe horoscopic astrology of the late Achaemenid and Seleucid period; see also Astronomy and Omens
AstronomicalObservational astronomy, including Mul-Apin and Diaries; Seleucid mathematical astronomy, including ephemerides, instructions, and auxiliary tables
HemerologicalOminous calendars, including Iqqur Ipush and the Babylonian Almanac
HistoricalIncluding eponym lists and royal inscriptions
Hymn-PrayerHymns, prayers, and laments to deities, including the Emesal corpus
Incantation-RitualMagical, medical, and cultic incantations and rituals
LegalIncluding sales, loans, and prebends
Letter"Real" letters, not literary ones
LexicalSign lists and word lists, including Ura, Malku = Sharru, god lists, and Syllabary A
LiteraryAkkadian and Sumerian literature, from the Epic of Creation and Gilgamesh to lesser known myths, epics, and proverbs
MathematicalIncluding word problems, metrological lists, arithmetical tables, and calculations
MedicalIncluding recipes, commentaries and lists of ingredients but excluding incantations and rituals (above) and omens (below)
OmenThe standard omen series, including: Barutu, Enuma Anu Ellil, Sakikku, Shumma Alu, Shumma Izbu
ScholarlyFragments that can be identified solely as scholarly writings, including colophons and commentaries
SchoolElementary school exercises in writing and spelling
UncertainUsed for fragments that cannot be identified


The tablets in the CAMS database are attested from just five periods of Mesopotamian history:

PeriodModern Dates
Neo-Assyrianc.800-610 BCE, northern Mesopotamia
Neo-Babylonianc.750-540 BCE, southern Mesopotamia
Achaemenidc.540-330 BCE, southern Mesopotamia
Seleucidc.330-180 BCE, southern Mesopotamia
UncertainTablets from the ashipu's library in Uruk, which are either Achaemenid or Seleucid in date

Provenance and Libraries

The provenance of a tablet is the ancient city in which it was found (but the search term is ", provenience:" for compatability with CDLI). You can also find tablets from particular libraries within a city (search by the term ", findspot_remarks:"). See the Contexts pages for much more information on the origins of the tablets in the CAMS corpus.

Urukashipus' house
illicitly excavated
Resh temple

Parts of speech

The following abbreviations for parts of speech are used in the glossaries:

AJAdjective (including stative forms)Akkadian
CNJConjunctionAkkadian, Sumerian
DETDeterminative pronounAkkadian
DPDemonstrative pronounAkkadian, Sumerian
IPIndependent/anaphoric prounounAkkadian, Sumerian
JInterjectionAkkadian, Sumerian
MAModal adverbSumerian
MODModal, negative, or conditionalAkkadian
NNoun (including Akkadian stative forms)Akkadian, Sumerian
NUNumberAkkadian, Sumerian
PPPossessive pronounAkkadian
QPInterrogative pronounAkkadian, Sumerian
RELRelative pronounAkkadian
RPReflexive/reciprocal pronounAkkadian, Sumerian
SBJSubordinating conjunctionAkkadian
VVerbAkkadian, Sumerian
XPIndefinite pronounAkkadian

Types of proper noun

The following abbreviations for proper nouns are used in the glossaries:

ANAgricultural (locus) name
CN Celestial name
DNDivine name
ENEthnos name
FNField name
GNGeographical name
MNMonth name
ONObject name
PNPersonal name
RNRoyal name
SNSettlement name
TNTemple name
WNWatercourse name
YNYear name

Eleanor Robson

Eleanor Robson, 'Keywords used in the CAMS catalogue', The Geography of Knowledge, The GKAB Project, 2019 []

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