STT 1, 033 [Ludlul 2]

o 1o 1

šat-tam a-na ba-laṭ [a-dan?]-nu i-ti-[iq]

(o 1) One year and the next, the appointed time has passed.

o 22

as-[ḫur]-ma le-mun [le]-mun-[ma]

(o 2) I turned round: (everywhere was) evil, it was evil indeed.

o 33

za-pur-[ti] u₂-ta-aṣ-ṣa-pa i-šar-[ti] ul ut-tu

(o 3) My misfortune keeps increasing; I will not find righteousness.

o 44

DINGIR [al]-si-ma ul [id]-di-na pa-ni-šu

(o 4) I called out to my (own) god, but he did not pay attention to me.

o 55

u₂-[sal]-la d-tar-ri ul u₂-ša₂-qa-a re-ši-šu

(o 5) I appeal to my goddess, (but) she does not support me.

o 66

lu₂ḪAL ina bi-[ri] ar-ka-at ul ip-ru-us

(o 6) The diviner, through divination, has not determined (the future).

o 77

ina [maš]-šak-ki ša₂--i-li ul u₂-ša₂-pi di-nim

(o 7) With the incense, my dream interpreter did not proclaim the sentence.

o 88

za-[qi₂?]-qu₂ a-bal!-ma ul u₂-pat-ti uz-ni1

(o 8) I supplicated Zaqiqu but he did not inform me.

o 99

maš-maš-šu ina KID₃.KID₃ṭe₃-e ki-mil-ti ul ip-ṭur

(o 9) The incantation priest, during the rituals, did not loosen the wrath (of the gods).

o 1010

a-a-it ep-še-ti ša₂-na-at ma-ti-tan

(o 10) What machinations, for one year, in all lands!

o 1111

a-mur ar-ka-te ri-da-ta ip-pi-ru

(o 11) I look at my legacy: (all) persecution and conflict!

o 1212

ki-i ša₂ tam-qi₂-su a-na DINGIR la uk-tin-nu

(o 12) Like the one who has not set up his offerings to the god and during (whose) meals the goddess was not invoked; (like the one who) has not changed [...], (who) has not experienced prostration;

o 1313

u₃ ina ma-ka-le-e d-tar la iz-za-kar

o 1414

[...] la e-nu-u šu-kin-na la am-ru

o 1515

[...] ip-par-ku-u su-pu-u tes₂-li-tu₂

(o 15) [...] prayers (and) petitions have been discontinued; (like the one who) has ceased ... of the god, (who) has become neglectful (during) the eššēšu-festival;

o 1616

ib-ṭi-[lu] x DINGIR i-še-ṭu₂ -še-šu

o 1717

id-du-[u aḫ]-šu₂-ma me-e-šu-nu i-me-šu

(o 17) (like the one who) is negligent; (the one who) has neglected their purification (rituals);

o 1818

pa-la-ḫa it-u₂-du la u₂-šal-me-du UN-MEŠ-šu₂

(o 18) (like the one who) never had his kin learn reverence (for the gods and) observance (of the rites);

o 1919

DINGIR-šu₂ la iz-ku-ru i-ku-lu a-kal-šu₂

(o 19) (like the one who) has not invoked his god (when) he ate his bread;

o 2020

iz-bu d-tar-[ta]-šu₂ [mas]-ḫa-su la ub-la

(o 20) (like the one who) has abandoned his goddess; (like the one who) has not brought his mashātu-offering;

o 2121

a-na ša im-ḫu-u be-la-šu [im]-šu-u

(o 21) like (lit. for) the one who raved; (like the one who) forgets about his lord;

o 2222

ni- DINGIR-šu₂ kab-tu₂ [...] iz-kur₃ a-na-ku am-šal

(o 22) (like the one who) swears [...] on the life of his respected god: I am indeed (their) equal.

o 2323

aḫ-su-us-ma ra-ma-ni [su]-pu-u tes₂-li-tu₂

(o 23) I mentioned myself in prayers and petitions;

o 2424

tes₂-li-tu₂ ta-ši-ma-tu₂ ni-qu-u sak-ku-u₂-a

(o 24) Petitions were common sense (for me); sacrifices were my rites.

o 2525

u₄-mu pa-la-aḫ DINGIR ṭu-ub lib₃-bi-ia

(o 25) The days when I was revering the god were a contentment for me; the day of Ištar's procession were my profit, my gain; prayer for the king: that was my joy! And his joyful song was turned into [...].

o 2626

u₄-mu ri-du-ut d-tar ne₂-[me]-li? ta?-at?-[tu]-ri?

o 2727

ik-rib LUGAL ši-[i ḫi]-du-ti

o 2828

u₃ ni-gu-ta-[šu? ...] šum-ma

o 2929

u₂-ša₂-ri ana KUR-ia [...] na-ṣa-ru

(o 29) I directed my land to the observance of [...]; I continually instructed my kin to honour the goddess's name.

o 3030

šu-ma d-ta-ri šu-qur UN?-MEŠ-ia -ta-ḫi-iz

o 3131

ta-na-da-at LUGAL e-liš u₂-maš-šil

(o 31) I rendered the praise for the king equal to the god's and I had the common people learn respect for the palace.

o 3232

[u₃ pu]-luḫ-tu₂ E₂.GAL um-ma-nu u₂-šal-mid

o 3333

[lu? i]-de ki-i it-ti DINGIR-MEŠ i-tam-ku-ra an-na-[a?-ti?]

(o 33) Let me know these (things) that are always acceptable for the gods!

o 3434

[... ra]-ma-nu- <ana> DINGIR gul-lul-[tu₄?]

(o 34) [...] oneself (is) sin to the god;

o 3535

[... mu-us-su]-kat₃ <ana> DINGIR-šu [dam]-qat

(o 35) [...] is wretched, is good to his god.

o 3636

[...] qe₂-reb AN [i]-lam-mad

(o 36) [...] will learn [...] inside heavens?

o 3737

[...] i-ḫa-ak-[kim man]-nu

(o 37) Who will understand [...]?

o 3838

[...] a-lak-tu₂ DINGIR [... a]-pa-a-ti

(o 38) [...] the god's way [...] humanity.

o 3939

[ša₂?] ina am-mat ib-lu-[ṭu i]-mu-u₂-tu [...]2

(o 39) The one who lived with strength is dying [...].

o 4040

sur-riš -ta-di-ru [...] uḫ-tab-[ba?-ru?]

(o 40) Quickly, they become dark [...] they merrily create noise.

o 4141

ina ṣi-bit ap-pa i-za-mu-ra [e]-le-la?

(o 41) At one moment, they sing a cheerful song; in the next instant, [...] they are very loud.

o 4242

ina pi-it pu-ri-di [...] ṣar?-ra?-pa3

o 4343

ki-i pe-te-e u ka-[ta-mi ṭe₂-en]-ši-na šit-ni

(o 43) Their opinions are as contradictory as opening and closing.

o 4444

im-mu-ṣa-a-ma im-[ma-a ša]-lam!-tiš₂

(o 44) When they are hungry, they become like corpses; when they are replete, they rival (with) their gods.

o 4545

i-šib-ba-a-ma i-ša₂-an-na-na DINGIR-ši-in

o 4646

i-na ṭa-a-bi i-ta-ma-a e-la-a ša₂-ma-[ʾi]

(o 46) When they are in good condition, they speak (of) climbing up to heavens; when they are confused, they claim to descend to the Underworld.

o 4747

u₂-ta-ša₂-ša₂-[ma] i-dab-bu-ub a-ri-du er-[kal-la]

o 4848

ana an-na-a-tu₂ -ta-ad? qe₂-reb-ši-na la al-tan!-da

(o 48) I have thought about these; I have not understood their meanings.

o 4949

[...] ia-a-ti šu-nu-[ḫu] i-<re>-ed-de me-ḫu-u

(o 49) [...] as for me, miserable, a storm pursues (me).

o 5050

GIG mun-ni-šu₂ e-li-ia in-neš-ra

(o 50) Debilitating illness advances over me.

o 5151

im-ḫul-li [...] ANe i-zi-qa

(o 51) A destructive winds blow [...] (from) the sky.

o 5252

ul-te i-rat KIti₃ i-ši-ḫa [di]--i

(o 52) My Headache springs up from bowels of the earth.

o 5353

šu₂-u₂-lu lem-nu it-ta-ṣa-a ap-su--šu₂

(o 53) An evil cough emerges from its Apsu.

o 5454

[...] la? [...]-ʾi u₂-ṣa-a ul-tu E₂.KUR

(o 54) [...] not [...] comes out from the Ekur.

o 5555

[... u₂?-ri]-da ul-tu qe₂-reb KURi4

(o 55) [...] descended from inside the mountains.

o 5656

[...] ILLU šu-ru-up-[pu-u] x [...]

(o 56) [...] (from) the flood, the frost ... [...]

(4 lines missing)
o 6161

[la-ba]-ni [...]

(o 61) my neck [...]

o 6262

[...] im-ḫa-[ṣu ...]

(o 62) [...] they struck [...]

o 6363

[ši]-i-ri il-pu-[tu₂? ...]

(o 63) they lashed my flesh [...]

o 6464

[...] re- lib₃-bi-ia [...]

(o 64) [...] the top of my belly [...]

o 6565

qer-bi-ia id-lu-ḫu [...]

(o 65) They disturbed my bowels [...].

o 6666

šu-du? ḫa-aḫ-ḫu u₂-la-[ʾi-bu ...]

(o 66) They afflicted (me) [...], causing the flowing of phlegm.

o 6767

meš-re-te-ia u₂-la-ʾi-bu u₂-niš-šu₂ [...]

(o 67) They afflicted my limbs; they shifted [...].

o 6868

la-a-ni zaq-ru i-bu-tu₂ [...]

(o 68) They brought down my tall body [...].

o 6969

[gat]-ti rap-ša₂-ta ur-ba-ti -ni-i-[la]

(o 69) They flattened my wide figure like rushes.

o 7070

ki-i u₂-lil-tu₂ an-na-bi-ku bu-pa₂-ni- [...]

(o 70) As a dried fig is overturned, (I am) face down [...].

o 7171

a-lu-u zu-um-ri i-te-di-iq ṣu-ba-[ti]

(o 71) The alû-demon has clothed himself (with) my body (as) a garment.

o 7272

ki?-ma? šu--kal-li u₂-kat₃-ti-man-[ni ...]

(o 72) [...] covered me like a battle net.

r 1r 1

bal-ṣa-a-ma ul i-na-ṭa-[la ...]

(r 1) [...] are staring but do not see.

r 22

pe-ta-a ul i-še-ma [...]

(r 2) [...] are open but do not hear.

r 33

ka-la pag-ri-ia i-ta-[ḫaz] ri-mu-tu₂

(r 3) Paralysis has taken all my body.

r 44

mi-šit-tu₂ im-ta-[qut] e-lu UZU-MEŠ-ia

(r 4) A stroke has affected my flesh.

r 55

man-gu iṣ-ṣa-[bat] i-di-ia

(r 5) A skin disease has seized my arms.

r 66

lu--tu₂ im-ta-[qut] e-li bir-ki-ia

(r 6) Debility has affected my knees.

r 77

ma-ša₂-a-ma nam-ši-[ša₂] še-pa-a-a

(r 7) My feet have forgotten (how) to move.

r 88

[me]-eḫ-ṣu šuk-šu₂-[du] u₂-nap-papaq ma-aq-tiš₂

(r 8) A blow has overcome (me): I choke suddenly.

r 99

[...] mu-u₂-[tu? i]-te-rim pa-ni-ia

(r 9) Death has recovered my face.

r 1010

[...] ap-pal

(r 10) [...] I will answer.

r 1111

[...] ul i-ši

(r 11) [...] I did not have [...].

(1 line missing)
r 1313

[...] šap-ti-ia

(r 13) [...] my lips

r 1414

[... maš-qu]-u₂-a

(r 14) [...] my watering places [...]

r 1515

[...] x

(r 15) [...] ... [...]

r 1616

[... šum]-ma da-ad-da-riš a-la-[ʾu-ut ...]

(r 16) If [...] I swallowed (it) up like a foetid plant

r 1717

[...] nab-laṭ UN-MEŠ UGU-ia₅ [...]

(r 17) [...] subsistence for the people, [...] on me

r 1818

ap-pu-na-ma i-te-ri-ik si-le-[e-ti? ...]

(r 18) moreover, my sickness has become long.

r 1919

ina la ma-ka-le-e zi-mu-u₂-[a ...]

(r 19) Without meal, my face [...].

r 2020

ši-ri -taḫ-ḫa da-mi i-[zu-ba? ...]

(r 20) My flesh has become loose; my blood has ebbed away [...].

r 2121

e-ṣe-en-ti us-su-qat₆? [a-ri]-mat [...]

(r 21) My bones are etched, covered [...].

r 2222

šer₂-a-nu-u-a nu-up-pu-[ḫu u₂]-riq-ta maḫ-[ṣa-at?]

(r 22) My veins are swollen; jaundice strikes me.

r 2323

a-ḫu-uz er-ši me-se-ru mu-ṣe-[e] ta-ne-[ḫu]

(r 23) I took to my bed; my way out is (in) moaning.

r 2424

a-na ki!-šuk-ki-ia i-tu-ra bi-i-ti

(r 24) My (own) house turned into my jail.

r 2525

il-lu-ur-tu₂ UZU-MEŠ-ia na-da-a i-da-a-a

(r 25) Handcuffs of my (own) flesh are laid (around) my arms.

r 2626

maš-kan ra-ma-ni-ia muq-qu-ta še-pa-[a-a]

(r 26) Chains (all around) myself; my feet are wasted through disease, .

r 2727

ni-ṭa-tu-u₂-a šum-ru-ṣa me-ḫe-eṣ-ti dan-na-[at]

(r 27) My beatings are very painful; my wound is strong.

r 2828

qin-na-zi iṭ-ṭa-an-ni ma-lat ṣil-la-a-[tu?]

(r 28) A whip, covered with thorns, beats me.

r 2929

pa-ru--šu₂ u₂-saḫ-ḫi-la-an-ni zi-qa-ti [...]

(r 29) A goad pricks me; stings [...].

r 3030

kal u₄-me re-du-u i-re-da-[an-ni]

(r 30) All day long, a persecutor pursues me.

r 3131

[...] mu-ši ul i-nap-[pa-ša₂?-an-ni ...]

(r 31) [...] (at) night, they do not let me breathe.

r 3232

[... i-tab]-lak-ku-ti pu-[uṭ-ṭu-ru ...]

(r 32) [...] being inverted, [...] is released.

r 3333

[... su-up-pu]-ḫa i-ta-ad-da-a a-ḫa-ta

(r 33) [...] are scattered; they are dropped in equal shares.

r 3434

[... a]-bit? ki-[i] al-pi

(r 34) I spent the night [...] like an ox.

r 3535

[... ta]-ba-aš₂-ta-ni-ia

(r 35) [...] (in) my excrement.

r 3636

[... maš]-maš-šu

(r 36) [...] the incantation priest, and my omens have confused [...].

r 3737

u te-re-ti-ia [... u₂]-teš₂-ši

r 3838

ul u₂-ša₂-pi [a]-ši?-pu? ši?-kin GIG-ia

(r 38) The exorcist did not reveal the nature of my illness and the diviner did not give a fixed date for (the end of) my sickness.

r 3939

u a-dan-ni si-li-ti-ia lu₂ḪAL ul id-din

r 4040

ul i-ru-ṣa DINGIR qa-ti ul [iṣ]-bat

(r 40) (My own) god did not rush to help; he did not seize my hand; my (own) goddess was not merciful to me; she did not walk on my side.

r 4141

ul i-re-man-ni d-tar-ri i-da-a-a ul il-lik

r 4242

pe-ti KI.MAḪ er-su-u šu-ka-nu-u₂-a

(r 42) (My) grave is open; my ornaments are ready.

r 4343

a-di la mi-tu-ti-ma bi-ki-ti gam-rat

(r 43) Before my death, the mourning for me was completed.

r 4444

kal KUR-ia ki-i ḫa-bil iq-bu-[ni]

(r 44) All my country said: "How wronged he has been!".

r 4545

-me-ma ḫa-du-u-a im-me-ru pa-nu-šu₂

(r 45) Those who gloat over me hear (this) and their faces brighten; they deliver pleasant news to the woman who gloats over me, her mood becomes cheerful.

r 4646

ḫa-di-ti u₂-ba-si-ru ka-bat-ta-ša₂ ip-pir-da

r 4747

i-ṭi u₄-me ša₂ gi-mir kim-ti-ia

(r 47) Dark is the day for all my family; amongst my friends, their sun has become dark.6

r 4848

ša₂ qer-bi mu-de-e dUTU-su-un i-kil5

r 4949

EGIR-šu₂ kab-ta-at ŠU-su ul a-le-ʾi na-ša₂-šu

(r 49) After this: "His hand is heavy: I cannot lift it."

r 5050

GIM SUMUN-šu₂ GIŠ-ma ba₃-ri₃ GIŠ mi-didMES.LAM.TA.[E₃].A

(r 50) Written and checked according to its original; written document of Iddi-Meslamtaea, scribal apprentice, descendant of Ašu, the priest.

r 5151

lu₂ŠAB.TUR li-gi-mu-u ša ma-šu₂-u lu₂SANGA?

r 5252

ša IR dNU.DIM₂.MUD lit-bal-šu₂ ša ina šur-qu i-ša₂-ri-qi ša₂ ina dan-na-nu e-kim

(r 52) May Nudimmud take away whoever takes away this tablet! May Lugalira the mightiest of the gods, the most powerful of the gods, the most murderous of the gods - slaughter with his furious weapon whoever steals (it) by theft or removes it by force.

r 5353


r 5454

ina gišTUKUL-MEŠ-šu₂ [ez]-zu-tu liš-gi-

r 5555

ina LA₂ṣi md30-PAP-TU MAN kur+šur ina itiAPIN U₄ 3-KAM

(r 55) In the time of Sennacherib, king of Assyria; in the month of Arahsamnu (VIII), day 3; eponym [...] governor of Til-Barsibi.

r 5656

lim-me [... lu₂ša]-kin iriDU₆?-bar-si-bi

r 5757


(r 57) Nabu, may he who trusts in you not be ashamed!

1erasure between BAL and MA.

2W.G. Lambert suggests to read amšat instead of ammat and to translate by "yesterday".

3according to parallel versions, end of the line couls also be read lal-la-riš.

4Unlike preceding line and according to the copy, IŠ is very clear on this line instead of UL.

5it is possible to read i-rim instead of i-kil.

6 Multiple interpretations are possible for these two lines (cf . Lambert BWL : 295).

Created by Amar Annus and Alan Lenzi (transliteration); Marie-Françoise Besnier (lemmatisation and translation) for the AHRC-funded GKAB Project, 2010 and released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as