STT 1, 032 [Ludlul 1]
Obverse | ||
oo NaN | (start of obverse missing) | |
o 1'o 1' | (o 1') Quickly, he is favourable to me as [...] | |
o 2'2' | [lu]-⸢šal?⸣-mid UN-MEŠ qit-ru-⸢ba⸣ [...] | (o 2') Let me teach the people [...] is close. |
o 3'3' | (o 3') His favourable understanding [...]. | |
o 4'4' | (o 4') From the day the Lord [...] and the hero Bel got angry [...] | |
o 5'5' | ||
o 6'6' | (o 6') my (own) god rejected me, (then) disappeared [...]; my (own) goddess became inactive (and) went away [...]; the protective deity of welfare, who [...] at my side split away; my own tutelary deity got scared and sought another one. | |
o 7'7' | ||
o 8'8' | ⸢is-li⸣-it še-dum-qi₂ ša₂ i-di-[ia? ...] | |
o 9'9' | ||
o 10'10' | (o 10') My dignity has been taken away, my virility has been veiled; my rank has been cut off, my protection has been torn away. | |
o 11'11' | ||
o 12'12' | (o 12') Signs of terror have been laid upon me; | |
o 13'13' | (o 13') I was expelled from my house, I wandered outside; | |
o 14'14' | (o 14') my omens are obscure, they are contradictory for ever; | |
o 15'15' | (o 15') my course has not been decided by the signs of the diviner or the dream interpreter. | |
o 16'16' | (o 16') According to the rumour of the street, my reputation is bad. | |
o 17'17' | (o 17') (When) I sleep at night, my dream is terrifying. | |
o 18'18' | (o 18') (As for) the king, flesh of the gods, sun of his people: his heart has been bound and the dispelling (of demons) has become evil. | |
o 19'19' | ||
o 20'20' | (o 20') The attendants keep exchanging denigrating talk against me; they are gathering together and they point at (me with) maliciousness. | |
o 21'21' | ||
o 22'22' | (o 22') If the first one (says): "I will make him spill his life", the second says: "I removed (him) from his office"; | |
o 23'23' | ||
o 24'24' | (o 24') thus the third: "I will grab his appointment"; | |
o 25'25' | (o 25') "I will enter his house" swears the fourth; | |
o 26'26' | (o 26') the fifth is inciting fifty (against) me; | |
o 27'27' | (o 27') the sixth and the seventh will follow like his protective deity. | |
o 28'28' | (o 28') They have gathered around me: their band is a knot of 7. | |
o 29'29' | (o 29') As merciless as a storm, similar to utukku-demons, [...] their flesh is one and they are (all) set with (one) mouth. | |
o 30'30' | ||
o 31'31' | (o 31') [...] they became wild against me and they were burning like fire. | |
o 32'32' | [...] ⸢nap-ra⸣-ku u₂-šam-ga-ru UGU-⸢ia₅⸣ | (o 32') They persuaded obstacles [...] against me. |
o 33'33' | [...] a-⸢pa⸣-tiš₂ i-teš₂-ʾu-⸢u₂⸣ | (o 33') They have muzzled [...] as with a bridle. |
o 34'34' | [... it-ta]-⸢aṣ⸣-ba-ra ḫa-šik-kiš e-[me ...] | |
o 35'35' | [...] ⸢ša₂⸣-qum-miš₂ ⸢ip⸣-par!?-[šid ...] | |
Reverse | ||
r 1r 1 | (r 1) (Once) so high, my head bowed down to the ground; | |
r 22 | (r 2) My heart, (once) so steady, is shaken in terror; | |
r 33 | ra-pa-aš₂-tu₄ i-ra-a-ti a-ga-aš₂-gu-u it-te-ʾe-[...] | (r 3) (Once) so wide, my chest ... by the youngest; |
r 44 | (r 4) My arms, (once) far-reaching, are (now) ... and grasp each other; | |
r 55 | (r 5) I, who had gone about like a lord, learnt to slink. | |
r 66 | (r 6) I had been splendid, but I turned into a slave. | |
r 77 | (r 7) Within my large family, I have become alone. | |
r 88 | (r 8) (When) I go along the street, fingers point (at me). | |
r 99 | (r 9) (When) I enter the palace, eyes squint (at me). | |
r 1010 | (r 10) My (own) city frowns at me like my enemy. | |
r 1111 | (r 11) My (own) country is ferocious (against me) as if it were hostile. | |
r 1212 | (r 12) My (own) brother has turned into a stranger. | |
r 1313 | (r 13) My (own) friend has turned into a foe and a demon. | |
r 1414 | (r 14) A furious companion denounced me. | |
r 1515 | (r 15) My employees defile me constantly with their weapons. | |
r 1616 | (r 16) My (formerly) friendly colleagues slander my life. | |
r 1717 | (r 17) My (own) slave cursed me, openly, in the assembly; my (own) maid spoke slander of me in front of the common people. | |
r 1818 | ||
r 1919 | (r 19) (When) he sees me, (my) acquaintance take refuge on the side. | |
r 2020 | (r 20) My (own) family does not place me (as) its (own) flesh. | |
r 2121 | (r 21) As for the one who speaks kindly of me, a trap will open for him; the eloquent one who slanders me will be placed at the top. | |
r 2222 | ||
r 2323 | (r 23) (As for) the one who talks (with) maliciousness of me, the god is his helper. | |
r 2424 | (r 24) The one who says "it is enough!", his haste is death; | |
r 2525 | (r 25) (For) the one who (provides) no assistance life becomes like (that of) a protective deity. | |
r 2626 | (r 26) I have neither acquired someone at my side, nor seen a merciful one. | |
r 2727 | (r 27) To the riffraff, they distributed all that was mine. | |
r 2828 | (r 28) They blocked up the mouth of my canal with silt. | |
r 2929 | (r 29) In my meadows, they drove away the work song. | |
r 3030 | (r 30) Like the city of my enemy, they put silence (in my) city. | |
r 3131 | (r 31) They let another take my office [...]; they appointed a stranger [...]. | |
r 3232 | [... a]-⸢ḫa-a⸣ uš-zi-[zu] |
1All restorations have been made by MFB, according to parallel versions.
2ki-ta-at-ta is most probably a scribal mistake for kutattumu "covered", according to other versions of the text, especially Sippar (see George 1998: 200 note to 76). ## I did not lemmatize it, because I then should add <mu> to the translation; if I don't, it would be strange to have kutattumu for ki-ta-at-ta, I think.
3u₂-man-di-du is another likely reading, instead of u₂-man-ṭi-ṭu₃.
Created by Amar Annus and Alan Lenzi (transliteration); Marie-Françoise Besnier (lemmatisation and translation) for the AHRC-funded GKAB Project, 2010 and released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as