STT 1, 027+ [Ludlul 4]

flakeflake NaN  (start of surface missing)
flake 1'flake 1'

[... a]-mar dUTUši-šu₂ [...]

(flake 1) [...] the appearance of the sun [...]

flake 2'2'

[...] la dAMAR.UTU [...]

(flake 2') [...] not Marduk [...]

flake 3'3'

e-la dzar-pa-ni-tu₄ [...] nap-šat-[su?]

(flake 3') apart from Zarpanitu [...] his life

flake 4'4'

dAMAR.UTU ina qab-[ri ...] i-le-ʾi

(flake 4') Marduk is able to [...] from the grave.

flake 5'5'

dzar-pa-ni-tu₄ [...] am-rat

(flake 5') Zarpanitu is experienced [...]

flake 6'6'

e-ma [...] ša₂-ma-mi

(flake 6') wherever [...] the heavens

flake 7'7'

[...] in-nap-ḫu

(flake 7') [...] light up

flake 8'8'

[...] TU₁₅-MEŠ

(flake 8') [...] the winds [...]

flake 9'9'

[... ke]-re-eṣ-si-in

(flake 9') [...] their lump [...]

flake 10'10'

[...] pu-ri-[du ...]

(flake 10') [...] the leg [...]

Created by Amar Annus and Alan Lenzi (transliteration); Marie-Françoise Besnier (lemmatisation and translation) for the AHRC-funded GKAB Project, 2010 and released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as