Title | Name | Date | CityContext | Sources | |
asû | Amurru-Ea | 1090 | Babylon | Witnesses royal land grant on behalf of Marduk-nadin-ahhe (r.1099–1082) | BBSt 8 ii 28 (King 1912: 45; Paulus 2014: 545) |
āšipu | Sin-naṣir, son of Taribu | 1068 | Babylon | Receives land from king Adad-apla-iddina (r.1068–1047) | AAI 4 (Paulus 2014: 602–5) |
Nabu-kuzub-ilani, son of Ištar-šullimšu | c.875 | Uruk | King Nabu-apla-iddina (r.888–855 BC) grants him the right to various cuts of sacrificial meat in Eanna temple, according to a 6th-century copy | Ash 1922.256 (Langdon 1923: pls. 20–21; McEwan 1983) | |
bārû | Ur-Nintinuga, brother of Takil-ana-ilišu, also a bārû | c.1220 | Nippur | Receives grant of land near Nippur, originally his brother's property, from king Adad-šuma-iddina (r.1222–1217) | BBSt 3 rev. ii 35–6 (King 1912: I 12; Paulus 2014: 402–15) |
Baba-aha-iddina, son of Sin-bel-kitti | c.1135 | Scribe of land grant on behalf of king Itti-Marduk-balaṭu (r.1139–1132) | BBSt 30 rev. 22–3 (King 1912: I 110; Paulus 2014: 489) | ||
Atuʾu, son of Kidiš(?) of Bit-Sin-šeme | 1110 | Witnesses land grant of king Nebuchadnezzar I (r. 1126–1104) | Hinke kudurru v 14 (Hinke 1907: 152; Paulus 2014: 496) | ||
Ellil-tabni-bulliṭ | c.1110 | Scribe of land grant on behalf of king Nebuchadnezzar I | BBSt 6 ii 25 (King 1912: I 35; Paulus 2014: 506) | ||
Ekur-šuma-ušabši | c.1020– | (Sippar, Babylon) | Installed as šangû of Sippar by king Simbar-Šipak (r.1024–1008); receives garden in Babylon for Ebabbar from king Eʾulmaš-šakin-šumi (r.1004–988) | BBSt 36 i 22–3 (King 1912: I 122; Paulus 2014; 652) | |
Bel-apla-iddina | 878 | Leads 3000 troops against Assyria for king Nabu-apla-iddina; captured | A0.101.1, iii 19–20 (Grayson 1991: 213) | ||
Nabu-nadin-šumi, descendant of the bārû Ekur-šuma-ušabši | 857 | (Sippar) | Installed as šangû of Sippar by king Nabu-apla-iddina, with associated endowments to him and the Ebabbar | BBSt 36 iii 26–9 (King 1912: I 123; Paulus 2014: 653) | |
kalû of Ištar-of-Uruk | Ibni-Ištar, descendant of Hunzu | 854 | (Uruk) | Receives royal grant of prebend for Eanna in Uruk from king Marduk-zakir-šumi (r.855–819 BC) | AO 6684, obv. ii 12; rev. i 7–12 (Thureau-Dangin 1919: 126; Paulus 2014: 667–9) |
kalû of Marduk | Šumu-uṣur, descendant of Šumu-libši | 854 | (Babylon) | Scribe of royal grant of meadow-lands, houses and prebend of Eanna in Uruk on behalf of king Marduk-zakir-šumi | AO 6684, rev. ii 23–4 (Thureau-Dangin 1919: 126; Paulus 2014: 669) |
kalû of Nabu | Nabu-leʾi, descendant of Iddin-Papsukkal | (c.750) | (Borsippa) | Witness of royal land grant on behalf of Nabu-šumu-iškun (r.c.761–748); other titles are šangû of Sutitu, ṭupšar Ezida. | VS 1 36 iv 8-10 (Thureau-Dangin 1919: 143; Paulus 2014: 686) |
Content last modified on 27 Dec 2019.
Eleanor Robson
Eleanor Robson, 'Table B1: Scholars under Babylonian royal patronage in the late second and early first millennium', Ancient Knowledge Networks online, Eleanor Robson, 2019 [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/cams/akno/babylonianscholars/b1middlebabylonian/]