ā [THAT] IP (10x) "that"

ab abi [GRANDFATHER] N (1x) "grandfather"

abāku [LEAD AWAY] V (2x) Seleucid "lead away"

abālu [DRY (UP)] V (2x) "dry (up)"

aban dāmi [(A STONE)] N (1x) Seleucid "(a stone)"

aban lamassi [(A PRECIOUS STONE)] N (1x) Seleucid "(a precious stone)"

aban tasniqti [TOUCHSTONE] N (1x) Seleucid "touchstone"

aban zuqiqīpi [(A PRECIOUS STONE)] N (1x) Seleucid "(a precious stone)"

abarakkūtu [FUNCTION OF STEWARDESS] N (6x) Neo-Assyrian "function of stewardess"

abāru [(THE METAL) LEAD] N (1x) "(the metal) lead"

abašmû [(A STONE)] N (3x) Seleucid "(a stone)"

abat šarri [KING'S WORD] N (1x) "king's word"

abātu [DESTROY] V (9x) Neo-Assyrian "be destroyed completely; be destroyed; destroy completely; destroy"

abātu [RUN AWAY] V (31x) Neo-Assyrian, Achaemenid "flee; run away"

abbūtu [FATHERHOOD] N (3x) Neo-Assyrian "fatherhood"

abiktu [DEFEAT] N (2x) Neo-Assyrian "defeat"

abnu [STONE] N (44x) Neo-Assyrian, Seleucid "stone (in the body); stone bead; stone"

abru [PILE OF BRUSHWOOD] N (1x) Neo-Assyrian "pile of brushwood"

abru [WING] N (8x) Neo-Assyrian "wing tip"

absinnu [FURROW] N (2x) Neo-Assyrian "furrow"

abšahuru [(A FISH)] N (1x) "(a fish)"

abšānu [YOKE] N (2x) Neo-Assyrian "yoke"

abtu [DESTROYED] AJ (1x) "destroyed"

abtu [DESTROYED ONE] N (2x) Neo-Assyrian "destroyed one"

abu [FATHER] N (151x) Neo-Assyrian, Seleucid "ancestor; father"