Measurements of Esagil and Ezida
Obverse | ||
o 1o 1 | From south to [north]: | |
o 22 | 7 ku-bur-re-e ša 4-a-a ina 1.⸢KÙŠ⸣ | 7 (wall) thicknesses of 4 cub[its], |
o 33 | 2 ku-bur-re-e qa-na-a-a 10-te ⸢ša⸣ [ṣuppān?] | 2 (wall) thicknesses of 1 reed (= 6 cubits), i.e. 1/10 [ṣuppān] (= 60 cubits). |
o 44 | In total: 40 cubits, the (wall) thick[ness]es [of the temple]. | |
o 55 | 8 cubits: the interior of the lob[by] | |
o 66 | of Kaudebabbarr[a]. | |
o 77 | 14 (erasure) ina 1.KÙŠ É GIŠ.⸢GIGIR⸣ | 14 cubits: the Char[iot] House. |
o 88 | 77 cubits: the Court of Bēl. | |
o 99 | 6 cubits: the (short) side of the chapel of Ea. | |
o 1010 | 6 cubits: the south room of the chapel of Bē[lt]iya. | |
o 1111 | 7 cubits: the (short) side of the courtyard of the chapel of B[ēltiya]. | |
o 1212 | 6 cubits: the (short) si[de o]f the entrance of the chapel of Anu and Išt[ar]. | |
o 1313 | 6 cubits: the lo[b]by of Kalammaar[abi]. | |
o 1414 | In total: 17[0] (cubits), the length of Esagil. | |
o 1515 | From east to west: | |
o 1616 | 7 ku-bur-⸢re⸣-[e ša 4]-⸢a⸣-a ina 1.[KÙŠ] | 7 (wall) thickn[esses of 4] cu[bits], |
o 1717 | ⸢2 ku-bur⸣-[...] | 2 (wall) thickn[esses ...] |
o 1818 | [...] | [...] |
o 1919 | [...] | [...] |
o 2020 | [...] | [...] |
o 2121 | [...] | [...] |
o 22a22a | [...] | [...] |
o 22b22b | <[...]> | <[...]> |
o 2323 | 4 [...] | 4 [...] |
o 2424 | 14 ⸢ina⸣ [...] | 14 i[n ...] |
o 2525 | 8 ⸢ina⸣ [...] | 8 i[n ...] |
o 2626 | In total: 10[0 ...] | |
o 2727 | 80 (cubits) the (longer) side, 55 (cubits) the (short) si[de: ...] | |
o 2828 | 37 (cubits) the (longer) side, 12 (cubits) the (short) si[de: ...] ... | |
o 2929 | 37 (cubits) the (longer) side, 10 (cubits) the (short) si[de: the c]e[l]la. | |
o 3030 | 37 (cubits) the (longer) side, 11 (cubits) the (short) si[de]: its [...] | |
o 3131 | ||
o 3232 | [x]+12 ŠID x[...] x x | [...]+12 ... [...] ... |
o 3333 | [...] (cubits) the (longer) side, 20 (cubits) the (short) s[ide: ...] Marduk. | |
o 3434 | ... cub[its ...] of Ka-... | |
o 3535 | [... o]f the chapel of the deity Su-... | |
o 3636 | [...] ⸢ru⸣-ka-⸢tú⸣ [...] | [... : the l]obb[y ...] |
Reverse | ||
r 37r 37 | [...] | [...] |
r 3838 | [...] | [...] |
r 3939 | [...] | [...] |
r 4040 | [...] | [...] |
r 4141 | 8 ⸢ÚS⸣ [...] | 8 (cubits) the (longer) si[de, ...] |
r 4242 | 20 ⸢ÚS⸣ [...] | 20 (cubits) the (longer) si[de, ...] |
r 4343 | 20 ÚS ⸢5?⸣ [...]-⸢tum⸣ | 20 (cubits) the (longer) side, 5 [...] ... |
r 4444 | 11 (cubits) the (longer) side, 6 (cubits) the (short) si[de ...] ... | |
r 4545 | 10 (cubits) the (longer) side, 6 (cubits) the (short) si[de ...] ... | |
r 4646 | 26 ÚS x [...] x | 26 (cubits) the (longer) side, ... [...] ... |
r 4747 | 20 ÚS [...] x | 20 (cubits) the (longer) side, [...] ... |
r 4848 | 41? ÚS [...] ⸢šá⸣ | 41 (cubits) the (longer) side, [...] ... |
r 4949 | 26 ÚS [...] x | 26 (cubits) the (longer) side, [...] ... |
r 5050 | 27 ÚS ⸢10⸣ [...]-še | 27 (cubits) the (longer) side, 1[0 ...] ... |
r 5151 | 17 (cubits) the (longer) side, <... (cubits)> the (short) si[de ...] ... | |
r 5252 | 19 (cubits) the (longer) side, 11 (cubits) the (short) si[de ...] | |
r 5353 | 22 ÚS 9 [...] | 22 (cubits) the (longer) side, 9 (cubits) [...] |
r 5454 | 16 (cubits) the (longer) side, 14 (cubits) the (short) si[de ...] | |
r 5555 | 20 (cubits) the (longer) side, 12 (cubits) the (short) si[de ...] | |
r 5656 | 9? [...] | 9 [...] |
r 5757 | 6? [...] | 6 [...] |
r 5858 | ⸢24 ÚS⸣ [...] | 24 (cubits) the (longer) side, [...] |
r 5959 | 27 ÚS [...] | 27 (cubits) the (longer) side, [...] |
r 6060 | 202 (cubits) the (longer) side, 1 [...] | |
r 6161 | 1000 (cubits) the (longer) side, 500 (cubits) the (short) si[de ...] | |
r 6262 | 230 ašlu-unit[s ...] | |
r 6363 | 230 ašlu-unit[s ...] | |
r 6464 | In total: 521 ašlu-u[nits ...] | |
r 6565 | of 30 cu[bi]ts an ašlu-u[nits ...] ... [...] | |
r 6666 | In total: 15630 (cubits). 4 [...] ... [...] | |
r 6767 | PAP-ma 16 LIM [1 ME] 29-⸢ma?⸣ [x LIM / ME IM.DIŠ] 6? ME IM.[MIN] | And in total: 16[1]29 (cubits). [... (cubits): south.] 600 (cubits): [north]. |
r 6868 | 5? ME IM.EŠ₅ [x] ⸢LIM⸣ / ME IM.4 PAP 3 ⸢LIM⸣ [x] ⸢ME⸣ kip-pat é-[zi?-da?] | 500 (cubits): east. [...] (cubits): west. In total: 300[0 ...], the circumference of Ezida. |
r 6969 | 1000 (cubits): the upper (longer) [si]de; 1000 (cubits): the low[er] (longer) side. | |
r 7070 | 500 (cubits): the upper (short) side; 500 (cubits): the lower (short) side. | |
r 7171 | [In t]otal: 3000 (cubits), the ci[rcum]ference of Ezid[a]. |
1ÚS must be a mistake for SAG, being measurements of the (longer) side already given in line r 69.
Adapted from A.R. George, Babylonian Topographical Texts (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 40), 1992. Translated and lemmatized by Giulia Lentini, 2019-2020, as part of the LMU-Munich-based project Living Among Ruins (directed by Karen Radner and Jamie Novotny), which is funded by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung as part of the Lost Cities program (coordinated by Martin Zimmermann and Andreas Beyer). Please cite this page as