Explanation of Temples Names in Babylon D

o 1o 1


É na-šá-a re-e-ši


“House with top raise[d] (high)

o 22


É šá re-šá-šú šá-qa-[a]


“House whose top is hig[h]

o 33


É na-ra-am dAMAR.[UTU]


“House, beloved of M[arduk]

o 44

[ág na-ra-mu] gil dAMAR.[UTU]

[ag: beloved; gi]l: M[arduk]

o 55


É.GAL la-la-e DINGIR.MEŠ šá AN-e [(x x)]


“Palace of the charms of the gods of heaven [...]

o 66

[é-sag e-kal-lum] la la-lu-ú ìl i-lu ìl šá-mu-ú [(...)]

[e-sag: palace;] la: charms; ìl: god; ìl: heaven [...]

o 77


É ba-nu-ú nap-ḫar DINGIR.[MEŠ]


“House which creates all the go[ds]

o 88

[sa₇ ba-nu]-ú kìl nap-ḫa-ru ìl i-[lu]

[sa: to creat]e; kìl: total; ìl: g[od]

o 99


É na-bu-ú nap-ḫar iṣ-ra-a-ti


“House which calls into being all the ground-plan[s]

o 1010

[sa₄ na]-bu-ú ki-il nap-ḫa-ru ša iṣ-ra-a-ti

[sa: to ca]ll; kìl: total; ša: ground-plans

o 1111


É šu-bat ru--e dAMAR.UTU


“House, seat of the prince Marduk”

o 1212

sag a-šá-bu gi ru-bu-ú gil dma-ru-du-uk

[s]ag: to sit; gi: prince; gil: Marduk

o 1313


É na-šu-<ú> a-ge-e LUGAL-ú-ti


“House which bears the crown of the kingship”

o 1414

sa₁₂ šar-ru sa₁₂ a-gu-ú aga a-gu-ú íl na-šu-ú

[s]a: king; sa: crown; aga: crown; íl: to bear

o 1515


É na-šu-ú šá-ru-ru


“House which bears brilliance”

o 1616

[sa] šá-ru-ru íl na-šu-ú

[sa]: brilliance; íl: to bear

o 1717


É a-šá-re-du šá -lik-šú dam-qu


“House of the foremost one whose counsel is good”

o 1818

[sa₁₂] a-šá-re-du šá mil-ku sa₆ da-ma-qu

[sa]: foremost one; šá: counsel; sa: be good

r 19r 19


É e-piš kul-la-ti ra--im kit-ti


“House which makes everything and loves the truth”

r 2020

[ág e-pe-šu] gi e-pe-šu gi kul-la-tum gi kit-tum ág ra-a-mu

[ág: to make]; gi: to make; gi: totality; gi: truth; ág: to love

r 2121


É sa-pi-in a-a-bi


“House which flattens the enemy”

r 2222

[] sa-pa-nu gi a-a-bi

[: to fl]atten; gi: enemy

r 2323


É ka-šid nap-ḫar qar-da-mu


“House which conquers every enemy”

r 2424

[ ka-šá]-du kìl nap-ḫa-ru gil qar-da-mu

[: to conqu]er; kìl: total; gil: enemy

r 2525


É mar-kas₄ AN-e GAL.MEŠ


“House, bond of the great heavens”

r 2626

[sa mar-ka]-su an šá-mu-ú gíl ra-bu-ú

[sa: bo]nd; an: heaven; gíl: great

r 2727




“House, light of the great god[s]

r 2828

[si nu-ú-ru] an i-lum gíl ra-bu-ú

[si: light; a]n: god; gíl: great

r 2929


É ni-bit da-nim u dEN.LÍL


“House nominated by Anu and Enlil”

r 3030

[sa₄ ni-bi]- an da-num gíl (KUR₄) kur dEN.LÍL

[sa: nominate]d; an: Anu; gíl: kur: Enlil

r 3131


É na-si-iḫ nap-ḫar a-a-bi


“House which exterminates all enemies”

r 3232

[èš bi-i-tu] zi na-sa-ḫu nap-ḫa-ru a-a-bi

[èš: house; z]i: to exterminate; : total; : enemy

r 3333


É mu-kin ki-nim


“House which [es]tablishes the truth”

r 3434

[èš bi-i-tu] zi ka-a-nu zi ki-i-nu

[èš: house; z]i: to establish; zi: truth

r 3535

[... níg]-dím-dím-ma

[...] ...

Adapted from A.R. George, Babylonian Topographical Texts (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 40), 1992. Translated and lemmatized by Giulia Lentini, 2019-2020, as part of the LMU-Munich-based project Living Among Ruins (directed by Karen Radner and Jamie Novotny), which is funded by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung as part of the Lost Cities program (coordinated by Martin Zimmermann and Andreas Beyer). Please cite this page as http://oracc.org/btto/Q007953/.