Explanation of Temples Names in Babylon B

o l'l'


É mu-kap-pit [...]


“House which brin[gs together ...].

o 2'2'


É ni-bit* [...]


“House nominated by [...].

o 3'3'


É te-me-en AN-[e u KI-tim]


“House (of the) foundation platform of he[aven and netherworld].

o 4'4'


É nab-nit AN-[e u KI-tim]


“House (of the) creation of he[aven and netherworld].

o 5'5'


É bu-kúr AN-[e u KI-tim]


“House (of the) son of he[aven and netherworld].

o 6'6'


É le-qu-ú pa-ra-[aṣ AN-e u KI-tim]


“House which carries out the divine [offices of heaven and netherworld].

o 7'7'


ka-a-ri el-[li]


“Pu[re] quay”.

o 8'8'


mut-ta--id pi-i x [...]


“Praised in the mouth of [...].

o 9'9'


-ri šá ana ta-na-da-ti [kun-nu?]


“Pure place which is [firmly established] for praise”.

o 10'10'


É rap- la--iṭ [...]


“House of the shackle which holds in che[ck ...].

o 11'11'


É ra-ḫi-iṣ --ri [...]


“House which destroys the crossings [...].

o 12'12'


É ra-si-ip bi-nu-ut [...]


“House which smashes the creatures of [...].

o 13'13'


É ru-ba-ti ra-[bi-ti]


“House of the gr[eat] queen”.

o 14'14'


[É x x] x dEN.LÍL x [...]


[House ...] Enlil [...].

o 15'15'


[É ...] x [...]


[House ...] ... [...].

r 1'1'


É šá [ina] lìb-bi-šú x x [x] da [x]


“House which [in] its interior ... [...].

r 2'2'


É na-ṣi-ru ši-mat UN.[MEŠ]


“House, guard of the fate of the pe[ople].

r 3'3'


É šu-bat ta-šil-[ti]


“House, abode of j[oy].

r 4'4'


É šá AN-e šá-an-[nu]


“House which riv[als] the heavens”.

r 5'5'


É nu-ur AN-e ra-bu-[ti]


“House of the light of the gr[eat] heavens”.

r 6'6'


É na-ṣir kiš-šat UN.[MEŠ]


“House, guard of all the peo[ple].

r 7'7'


É šá nap-ḫar par-ṣi ḫa-am-mu


“House which gathe[rs] all the rites”.

r 8'8'


É mu-kin te-re-e-ti


“House which establishes firmly the instructions”.

r 9'9'


É reš-tu-ú


“Foremost house”.

r 10'10'


É šá par-ṣi ḫa-am-mu


“House which gathe[rs] the rites”.

r 11'11'


É ru--e ra-bi-[i]


“House of the great princ[e].

r 12'12'


É ú-ṣu-rat AN-e [u KI-tim]


“House of the ordinances of Heaven [and Netherworld].

r 13'13'


É bu-un-na-an-[-e]


“House of the featur[es].

r 14'14'


É ba-la-[ṭi]


“House of lif[e].

r 15'15'


É ru--[e]


“House of the princ[e].

r 16'16'


É nab-nit [...]


“House of the creation of [...].

r 17'17'


É par-ṣi [el-lu-ti]


“House of the [pure] rites”.


Adapted from A.R. George, Babylonian Topographical Texts (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 40), 1992. Translated and lemmatized by Giulia Lentini, 2019-2020, as part of the LMU-Munich-based project Living Among Ruins (directed by Karen Radner and Jamie Novotny), which is funded by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung as part of the Lost Cities program (coordinated by Martin Zimmermann and Andreas Beyer). Please cite this page as http://oracc.org/btto/Q007951/.