Temples and Ziggurats by Deity


Enamhe (temple in the Kumar district at Babylon)

unnamed temple at Borsippa


Ehilikalama (temple at Babylon)

Bēlet-Bābili: see Ištar

Bēlet-Eanna: see Ištar

Bēlet-ilī [/amgg/Listofdeities/MotherGoddess/index.html]

Emah (temple at Babylon)

Bēlet-Sippar: see Ištar


Edurgina (temple at Bāṣ)


Ekura (temple at Sippar)


Ekarzagina (temple in the Esagil complex in the Eridu district at Babylon)


Dukisikil (seat of Enmešarra and Enbilulu in Esagil at Babylon)


Dukisikil (seat of Enmešarra and Enbilulu in Esagil at Babylon)


Ešurugal (temple at Cutha)


Egula (temple at Borsippa)

Ehursagsikila (temple in the Esagil complex in the Eridu district at Babylon)

Esabad (temple in the Tuba district at Babylon)

Etila (temple at Borsippa)

Eula (temple at Sippar)

Ezibatila (temple at Borsippa)

Inanna [/amgg/Listofdeities/InanaIshtar/index.html]: see Ištar

Iškur: see Adad


Ešasurra (temple at Babylon)

Ištar [/amgg/Listofdeities/InanaIshtar/index.html]

Eanna (temple at Uruk)

E'edena (temple as Bēlet-Sippar at Sippar)

Ekitušgarza (temple as Bēlet-Eanna in the Tuba district at Babylon)

Emašdari (temple in the Ka-dingirra district of Babylon)

Enirgalana (cella in Eanna at Uruk)

Eturkalama (temple as Bēlet-Bābili in the Eridu district at Babylon)

Eulmaš (temple at Agade)

Lugal-asal: See Bēl-ṣarbi

Lugal-Marda: see Ninurta

Lugaldimmeranki: see Marduk


unnamed temple at Borsippa

Marduk [/amgg/Listofdeities/Marduk/index.html]

Duku(kinamtartarede) ("Dais of Destinies ," seat in Ubšukkina in Esagil at Babylon)

Esagil (temple at Babylon)

Esiskur (New Year's temple outside and north of the inner city of Babylon)

Etemenanki (ziggurat at Babylon)

Eumuša (cella of Marduk in Esagil at Babylon)

Nabû [/amgg/Listofdeities/Nabu/index.html]

"Dais of Destinies" (a seat used during New Year's festivals at Borsippa)

Emahtila (cella complex in Ezida at Borsippa)

Ezida (cella in Esagil at Babylon)

Eniggidrukalamasuma (temple of Nabû of the harû in the Ka-dingirra district of Babylon)

Ešidduannaki (main cella of Emahtila in Ezida at Borsippa)

Eurmeiminanki (ziggurat at Borsippa)

Ezida (temple at Borsippa)


Ehiliana (cella in Eanna at Uruk)

unnamed sanctuary at Ubassu

Nanna/Suen [/amgg/Listofdeities/NannaSuen/index.html]: see Sîn

Nergal [/amgg/Listofdeities/Nergal/index.html]

Emeslam (temple at Cutha)


Eamaškuga (temple at Kissik)

Ninkarrak: see Gula

Ninisinna: see Gula


Ehursagtila (temple at Babylon)


Kizalaga (shrine in Ezida at Borsippa)

Sîn [/amgg/Listofdeities/NannaSuen/index.html]

Edimana (temple at Borsippa)

Ehulhul (temple at Harran)

Ekišnugal (temple in the Kullab district at Babylon)

Šamaš [/amgg/Listofdeities/UtuShamash/index.html]

Ebabbar (temple at Sippar)

Edikukalama (temple in the Kumar district at Babylon)

Ekunankuga (ziggurat at Sippar)


unnamed cella in Ezida at Borsippa

Tutu: see Marduk


New Year's temple at Dilbat (Sumerian ceremonial name not known)

Utu [/amgg/Listofdeities/UtuShamash/index.html]: see Šamaš

Zababa [/amgg/Listofdeities/Zababa/index.html]

Edubba (temple at Kish)


Edara'ana (cella in Esagil at Babylon)

Giulia Lentini & Jamie Novotny

Giulia Lentini & Jamie Novotny, 'Temples and Ziggurats by Deity', Babylonian Temples and Monumental Architecture online (BTMAo), The BTMAo Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2025 [http://oracc.org/btmao/TemplesbyDeity/]

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BTMAo 2019-. BTMAo is based at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Historisches Seminar (LMU Munich, History Department) - Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East. BTMAo is part of the four-year project Living Among Ruins: The Experience of Urban Abandonment in Babylonia (September 2019 to October 2023), which is funded by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung as part of the program "Lost Cities. Wahrnehmung von und Leben mit verlassenen Städten in den Kulturen der Welt," coordinated by Martin Zimmermann and Andreas Beyer. Content released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/] license, 2007-.
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