Marqasu 42[via atae/marqasu]

o 1o 1

ku-um NA₄.KIŠIB ṣu-pur-šu GAR

(1) Instead of his seal, he impressed his fingernail.

nail impressions

o 22

[ṣu-pur m...] ARAD? [...]

rest of obverse broken away
rr NaN beginning of reverse broken away
r 1'r 1'

[...] x [...]

r 2'2'

IGI mtab-ni-15

(r 2') Witness: Tabni-Issār.

r 3'3'

IGI mpi-ri-da-na-nu

(r 3') Witness: Piri-danānu.

r 4'4'

IGI mbur-na-wi-i

(r 4') Witness: Bur-nawî.

r 5'5'


(r 5') Witness: Abu-ul-īdi.

r 6'6'

IGI msag-gi-lu

(r 6') Witness: Esaggil, scribe (and) keeper of the document.

t.e. 7't.e. 7'

*.A.BA ṣa-bit e-gír-ti

t.e. 8'8'


(r 8') Month Addaru (XII), 21st day, [eponym year of Nuḫšaya, governor of] Kilizi.

l.e. 9'l.e. 9'

[lim-mu mḪÉ.NUN-a-a .GAR.KUR] URU.kal-zi?

Adapted from C. Günbattı, S. Çeçen, L.G. Gökçek, and F. Akyüz, Kahramanmaraş'ta Bulunmuş Yeni Asurca Tabletler, 2020, by Jamie Novotny and Poppy Tushingham (2021) for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), which is funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The text was lemmatized by Jamie Novotny and the English translation was adapted by Poppy Tushingham from a preliminary version prepared by Faruk Akyüz. The online edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as