Marqasu 23 [sales document (person)][via atae/marqasu]

o 1o 1

NA₄.KIŠIB mgab-bu-a-mur .02-i

(1) Seal of Gabbu-āmur, deputy.

o 22


(2) Seal of Nabû-nammir, scribe from Marqasu,

o 33

TA* URU.mar-qa-si

o 44


(4) the owner(s) of the people being sold.

2 stamp seal impressions

o 55


(5) Nanāya-bē’ (and) Šamši-ilat-wašṭi, in total two women, their slave women, whom they gave to Lā-qēpu instead of two (women) from among the people of (the woman) Ayate.

o 66


o 77

PAB 02 .MEŠ GÉME-šú-nu

o 88

ša a-na mla-qe-pi

o 99

ku-um 02 TA UN fa-a-te

o 1010


o 1111

mgab-bu-a-mur mdPA-ZÁLAG-ir

(11) Gabbu-āmur (and) Nabû-nammir (say the following): "Their! ... [...]."

o 1212

ma-a kas-pi-ši-x [x-x]

(12) [...] (and) a half minas of silver according to the [mina] of Carchem[ish ...].

o 1313

[x] 1/2 MA.NA .BABBAR ina [ma--e]

o 1414

ša KUR.gar-ga-miš

o 1515

[...] x-x [...]

r 1r 1

[...] x-x [...]

r 22

[ṣib-] ina 01 me [UD.MEŠ]

(r 2) (Guaranteed) against [seizures] for 100 [days], against [cri]me [for all time].

r 33

[sa]-ar- ina [kàl UD.MEŠ]

r 44

man-nu ša ina ur-[kiš]

(r 4) Whoever in the fut[ure], at any time, vi[olates] (the contract), shall place ten minas of silver (and) two minas of gold in the lap of Issār, who resides in Nineveh. He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. Should he litigate in his lawsuit, he will not succeed.

r 55

ina ma-ti-ma i-bal-[kàt-ʾu-u-ni]

r 66


r 77

ina bur-ki d.TAR a-ši-bat

r 88

NINA.KI i-šak-kan

r 99

kas-pi ana 10.MEŠ ina EN.MEŠ-šú

r 1010


r 1111

ina de-ni-šú DUG₄.DUG₄

r 1212

la i-laq-qe

r 1313

IGI mBA-15 .GAR-nu šá-BAN

(r 13) Witness: Iqīša-Issār, prefect of bowmen.

r 1414

IGI mdu-la-a-ni GAL-ki-ṣir

(r 14) Witness: Dulāni, cohort commander.

r 1515

IGI mkur-mas-a-a :

(r 15) Witness: Kurmasā, ditto.

r 1616

IGI mba-ni-ia mPAB-šu-nu

(r 16) Witness: Bānāya (and) Aḫūšunu.

r 1717

IGI mdPA-TI-su-E A mre-šú

(r 17) Witness: Nabû-balāssu-iqbi, son of Rēšu.

r 1818

IGI mdIM-PAB-ir šá-ŠIDIM-u

(r 18) Witness: Adad-naṣir, builder.

r 1919

IGI mza-bi-i-nu šá-ŠIDIM-u

(r 19) Witness: Zabīnu, builder.

r 2020

IGI mman-nu-ir-i GAL-da-a-a-li

(r 20) Witness: Mannu-īri, chief scout.

t.e. 21t.e. 21

IGI m-šur-KAR-ir A mdPA-šal-lim-ši-nu

(r 21) Witness: Aššur-eṭir, son of Nabû-šallimšinu.

t.e. 2222

IGI mše-lu-bu-ia IGI mna-na-a-a

(r 22) Witness: Šēlebuya. Witness: Nanāya.

t.e. 2323

IGI msum-a-ni .TIN

(r 23) Witness: Sumānu, builder.

l.e. 24l.e. 24

[IGI mdx]-tab-ni-PAB IGI mKASKAL-a-a DAM.GÀR IGI m--ti-ḫu

(r 24) Witness: [...]-tabni-uṣur. Witness: Ḫarrānāyu, merchant. Witness: Mištiḫu.

l.e. 2525

[IGI mx]-ḫu?-sa-me .DAM.GÀR IGI msa-an-da-ḫu-wa : :

(r 25) Witness: [...]ḫusame, merchant. Witness: Sanda-ḫuwa, ditto.

l.e. 2626

[ITI.x UD]-24-KÁM lim-mu mšá-dPA-šú-nu IGI mdPA-SIG₅-iq

(l.e. 26) [Month ...], 24th day, eponym year of Ša-Nabû-šūnu. Witness: Nabû-damiq, scribe.

l.e. 2727


Adapted from C. Günbattı, S. Çeçen, L.G. Gökçek, and F. Akyüz, Kahramanmaraş'ta Bulunmuş Yeni Asurca Tabletler, 2020, by Jamie Novotny and Poppy Tushingham (2021) for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), which is funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The text was lemmatized by Jamie Novotny and the English translation was adapted by Poppy Tushingham from a preliminary version prepared by Faruk Akyüz. The online edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as