Tell Tayinat (Kunalia)

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SAA 02 015

  • CDLI P500551
  • Collection no.: Ant —
  • Excavation no.: T 1801
  • Primary publication(s): JCS 64 091


  • Provenience: Tell Tayinat (Kunalia)
  • Archive: 099 - Miscellaneous

Object Details

  • Object type: tablet
  • Material: clay
  • Script: Neo-Assyrian

Text Details

  • Language: Akkadian
  • Genre: Treaty


  • Period: Neo-Assyrian
  • Reign: Esarhaddon (680–669 BC)
  • Dated: yes
  • Date: 672-II-16 (Ayyāru 16th, eponymy of Nabû-bēlu-uṣur, governor of Dūr-Šarrukku)

SAA 02 015. Tell Tayinat Version of Esarhaddon’s Succession Treaty (JCS 64 091)[via saao/saa02]

o i_T_1o i_T_1


(i_T_1) Seal of the god Aššur, king of the gods, lord of the lands [not to be altered]; seal of the great ruler, father of the gods not to be disputed.

o ii_T_2ii_T_2

EN KUR.KUR ša [la šu-un--e]

o iii_T_3iii_T_3


o iv_T_4iv_T_4

ša la pa-qa-a-ri

§ 1 Preamble§1 Preamble
o 1_T_i_11_T_i_1

a-de-e ša m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur

(1_T_i_1) The treaty of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, with the governor of Kunalia, with the deputy, the major-domo, the scribes, the chariot drivers, the third men, the village managers, the information officers, the prefects, the cohort commanders, the charioteers, the cavalrymen, the exempt, the outriders, the specialists, the shi[eld bearers (?)], the craftsmen, (and) with [all] the men [of his hands], great and small, as many as there a[re] [wi]th them and with the men who are born after the treaty in the [fu]ture, from the east [...] to the west, all those over whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, exercises kingship and lordship, concerning Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, the son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, [on] whose [be]half he established the treaty with you.

o 2_T_i_22_T_i_2


o 3_T_i_33_T_i_3

TA .EN.NAM KUR.ku-na-li-a

o 4_T_i_44_T_i_4

TA .2-e .GALÉ

o 4_T_i_54_T_i_5


o 4_T_i_64_T_i_6

.GALURU-MEŠ .mu-tirṭè-me

o 4_T_i_74_T_i_7

.GAR-nu-MEŠ .GAL-ki-ṣir-MEŠ

o 4_T_i_84_T_i_8

.ENGIŠ.GIGIR-MEŠ .ENpet-ḫal-la-ti

o 4_T_i_94_T_i_9

.zak-ku-e .kal-la-ba-ni

o 4_T_i_104_T_i_10

.um-ma-a-ni .a-[ri-ti?]

o 4–5_T_i_114–5_T_i_11

.kit-ki-tu-u TA .ERIM-MEŠ [ŠU.2-šú gab-bu]

o 5_T_i_125_T_i_12

TUR u GAL mal ba-[šú-u]

o 9_T_i_139_T_i_13

[is]-si-šú-nu ?.ERIM-MEŠ-šú-nu ša EGIR a-de-e

o 10_and_6_T_i_1410_and_6_T_i_14

ina [UD]-me ṣa-a-ti ib-ba-šu-u-ni TA na-pa-aḫ dUTU-ši

o 6–7_T_i_156–7_T_i_15

[x] a-di e-reb dUTU-ši am-mar m-šurPAB

o 7–8_T_i_167–8_T_i_16

MAN KUR-šur LUGAL-u- EN-u- ina UGU-ḫi-šú-nu

o 8_and_11_T_i_178_and_11_T_i_17

up-pa-áš-u-ni ina UGU m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u

o 11–12_T_i_1811–12_T_i_18

ša É-te DUMU m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur EN-ku-nu

o 12_T_i_1912_T_i_19

ša [ina] UGU-ḫi-šú a-de-e is-si-ku-<nu> -kun-u-ni

§ 2 Divine Witnesses§2 Divine Witnesses
o 13–14_T_i_2013–14_T_i_20


(13–14_T_i_20) (which he) confirmed, made and [concluded in the presence of Ju]piter, Venus, Saturn, Mercury, Mars and [Sirius];

o 14–15_T_i_2114–15_T_i_21


o 16_T_i_2216_T_i_22

[ina IGI] -šur da-num dBAD d[É.A]

(16_T_i_22) [in the presence of] Aššur, Anu, Illil, [Ea], Sin, Šamaš, Adad, Marduk, Nabû, [Nusku, (Uraš, Nergal, Mullissu)], Šerua, Belet-ili, the gods d[welling in] heaven and earth, the gods of Assyria, the gods of Sumer and Akkad, all the god[s of the lands].

o 17_T_i_2317_T_i_23

d30 dUTU dIM dMES dPA d[...]

o 19_T_i_2419_T_i_24

dše-ru-u-a dbe-letDINGIR-MEŠ DINGIR-MEŠ? a?-[ši-bu-ti]

o 21–22_T_i_2521–22_T_i_25


o 22–23_T_i_2622–23_T_i_26


o 23_T_i_2723_T_i_27

ka-li-šú-nu [ú]-dan-nin-[u-ni]

o 24_T_i_2824_T_i_28

iṣ-ba- [-ku-nu-ni]

§ 3 Adjuration§3 Adjuration
o 25_T_i_2925_T_i_29

-šur AD DINGIR-MEŠ EN KUR.KUR [ti-tam-ma-a]

(25_T_i_29) [Swear each individually] by Aššur, father of the gods, lord of the lands!

o 26_T_i_3026_T_i_30

da-num dBAD dÉ.A d30 [...]

(26_T_i_30) [Ditto] by Anu, Illil and Ea! [Ditto] by Sin, [Šamaš, Adad and Marduk]!

o 28_T_i_3128_T_i_31

d[...] dIB dU.[GUR MIN]

(28_T_i_31) [Ditto by Nabû, Nusku], Uraš and Ne[rgal]!

o 29_T_i_3229_T_i_32

dNIN.LÍL [dše]-ru-u-a d[be-letDINGIR-MEŠ MIN]

(29_T_i_32) [Ditto] by Mulli[ssu, Šer]ua and [Belet-ili]!

o 30_T_i_3330_T_i_33

d15 šá URU.[NINA].KI d15 ša arba-[ìl MIN]

(30_T_i_33) [Ditto] by Ištar of [Nineveh] and Ištar of Arbe[la]!

o ?_T_i_34?_T_i_34

DINGIR-MEŠ ka-li-šú-nu šá URU.[...]

(?_T_i_34) [Ditto] by all the gods of [...]!

o 31_T_i_3531_T_i_35

DINGIR-MEŠ ka-li-šú-nu šá URU.ŠÀURU [...]

(31_T_i_35) [Ditto] by all the gods of the Inner C[ity]!

o 32_T_i_3632_T_i_36

DINGIR-MEŠ -šú-nu [šá URU].NINA?.KI MIN DINGIR-MEŠ -[šú-nu ...]

(32_T_i_36) [Ditto] by all the gods [of Ninev]eh! Ditto by all the gods [of Calah]!

o 34?_T_i_3734?_T_i_37

DINGIR-MEŠ x [...]

(34?_T_i_37) ... [...] ... [...]

o 35?_T_i_3835?_T_i_38

x x [...] x x [...]

(35?_T_i_38) the gods [...]

approximately 5 lines destroyed


o 40A?_T_i_44'40A?_T_i_44'

[DINGIR]-MEŠ [...]

(40A?_T_i_44') [god]s [...]

o 40B?_T_i_45'40B?_T_i_45'


(40B?_T_i_45') [...] the gods of [one's] lan[d ...]

§ 4 Assurbanipal Designated Heir to Throne§4 Assurbanipal Designated Heir to Throne
o 41_T_i_46'41_T_i_46'

a-de-e [ša m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur ina IGI DINGIR-MEŠ GAL-MEŠ]

(41_T_i_46') (This is) the treaty [which Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, has concluded with you, in the presence of the great gods] of heaven [and earth], on be[half] of [Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, whom he has named and appointed to the crown-princeship]:

o 42_T_i_47'42_T_i_47'

šá AN-e [u KI.TIM is-si-ku-nu -ku-nu-u-ni]

o 43_T_i_48'43_T_i_48'

ša ina UGU [...]

o 44?_T_i_49'44?_T_i_49'

ša m[...]

o 45?_T_i_50'45?_T_i_50'

ša É? [...]

o 47?_T_i_51'47?_T_i_51'

ina? GIŠ?.[GU.ZA ...]

(47?_T_i_51') [When Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, passes away, you will seat Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate], upon [the royal throne, and he will exercise the kingship and lordship of Assyria over you. You shall protect him in country and in town, fall and die for him. You shall speak with him in the truth of your heart, give him sound advice loyally, and smooth his way in every respect].

o ?_T_i_52'?_T_i_52'

x x [...]

approximately 9 lines destroyed


o 58_T_i_62'58_T_i_62'

te-[na-a-ni tu-šá-an-na-a-ni šum-ma m-šurA]

(58_T_i_62') You [shall neither change nor alter the word of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, but serve this very Assurbanipal, the great] cro[wn prince designate], whom [Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord], has pres[ented to you, and he shall exercise] the kingship and dominion of Assyria] over [you].

o 58_T_i_63'58_T_i_63'

DUMU[MAN GAL-u šá É-ti]

o 59_T_i_64'59_T_i_64'

ša m[-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur EN-ku-nu]

o 60_T_i_65'60_T_i_65'

ú-kal-[lim-(u)-ka-nu-ni ḫa-an-nu-um-ma la ta-da-gal-a-ni]

o 61_T_i_66'61_T_i_66'

LUGAL-u-tu [EN-u-tu šá KUR-šur]

o 61_T_i_67'61_T_i_67'

ina UGU-ḫi-[ku-nu la ú-pa-áš-u-ni]

§ 5 Obligation to Protect Heir§5 Obligation to Protect Heir
o 62_T_i_68'62_T_i_68'

šum-ma [...]

(62_T_i_68') You shall protect [Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, has presented and ordered for you, and on behalf of whom he has confirmed and concluded (this) treaty with you; you shall not sin against him, nor bring] your hand [against him] with evil intent, nor revolt or do anything to him which is not [good and proper];

o ?_T_i_69'?_T_i_69'

x [...]

o ?_T_i_70'?_T_i_70'

x [...]

o ?_T_i_71'?_T_i_71'

x [...]

o 65–66_T_i_72'65–66_T_i_72'

la ta-na-ṣar-a-ni [ina ŠÀ-bi-šú ta-ḫa-ṭa-a-ni]

o 66–67_T_i_73'66–67_T_i_73'

ŠU.2-ku-nu ina ḪUL-ti [ina ŠÀ-bi-šú tu-bal-a-ni]

o 67–68_T_i_74'67–68_T_i_74'

[ep-šú] bar- a-bu- la [DÙG.GA- la SIG₅-]

o 69_T_i_75'69_T_i_75'

te-pa-šá-niš-šú-ni ina LUGAL-ti [KUR-šur tu-nak-ka-ra-šú-u-ni]

(69_T_i_75') [you shall not oust him] from the kingship [of Assyria] by [helping] one of his brothers, elder or younger, [to se]ize [the throne] of Assyria [in his stead], nor set [any other king or] any other lord over you, nor swear an oa[t]h to any other king or any other lord.

o 69–70_T_i_76'69–70_T_i_76'

TA ŠÀ-bi ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú GAL-MEŠ TUR-MEŠ [ina ku-mu-šú GIŠ.GU.ZA]

o 70–71_T_i_77'70–71_T_i_77'

KUR-šur.KI? tu-[šá-aṣ]-bat-a-[ni LUGAL MAN-ma]

o 71_T_i_78'71_T_i_78'

EN MAN-ma ina UGU-ḫi-ku-nu ta-šá-kan-a-[ni]

o 72_T_i_79'72_T_i_79'

a-na LUGAL MAN-ma EN MAN-ma ma-[]- ta-tam-ma-a-ni

§ 6 Obligation to Report Opposition to Succession§6 Obligation to Report Opposition to Succession

o 73_T_i_80'73_T_i_80'

šum-ma at-tu-nu a-bu- la x (x)- la ba-ni-

(73_T_i_80') If you [hear] any [impro]per, unsuitable or unseemly word concerning [the exercise of kingship which is] un[seemly and evil against Assurbanipal], the (great) crown prince designate, either from the mouth of [his] brothers, [his uncles, his cousins, his family, members of his father's line]; or from the mouth of [magnates and governors, or from the mouth of the bearded courtiers] and the eu[nuchs, or from the mouth of the scholars or from the mouth of any human being at all, you shall not conceal it but come and report it to Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate].

o 74_T_ii_174_T_ii_1

la ta-ri-is-su šá [e-peš LUGAL-te šá ina UGU m-šurA]

o 75_T_ii_275_T_ii_2

DUMULUGAL <GAL> šá É-te la [tar-ṣa--u-ni la ṭa-bat-u-ni]

o 76–77_T_ii_376–77_T_ii_3

lu-u ina pi-i ŠEŠ-MEŠ-[šú ŠEŠ-MEŠAD-MEŠ-šú DUMUŠEŠ-MEŠAD-MEŠ-šú qin-ni-šú NUMUN ÉAD-šú]

o 77–78_T_ii_477–78_T_ii_4

lu-u ina pi-i .[GAL-MEŠ .NAM-MEŠ lu-u ina pi-i .šáziq-ni]

o 78–79?_T_ii_578–79?_T_ii_5

.SAG [...]

rest broken away


o _T_iii_1_T_iii_1


o _T_iii_2_T_iii_2


o _T_iii_3_T_iii_3


o _T_iii_4_T_iii_4


o 178?_T_iii_5178?_T_iii_5

ina UGU m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL [šá É-ti la tal-lak-a-ni-ni]

(178?_T_iii_5) [You shall not make common cause with (any)one who may revolt against Assurbanipal, the great crown prince [designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, concerning whom he has concluded (this) treaty with you, but, should they seize you by force, you shall flee and come] to Assurbanipal, the great crown prince [designate].

§ 16? Rejection of Rebellion§16 Rejection of Rebellion
o 180?_T_iii_6180?_T_iii_6


(180?_T_iii_6) [You shall not, whether while on a guard duty ...... or on a day of rest, while residing within the land or while entering a tax-collection point, set in your mind an unfavourable thought against Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate; you shall not revolt against him, nor make rebellion, nor do anything to him which is not good].

o _T_iii_7_T_iii_7


o _T_iii_8_T_iii_8


o _T_iii_9_T_iii_9


o _T_iii_10_T_iii_10


o _T_iii_11_T_iii_11


o _T_iii_12_T_iii_12


rest broken away


§ 22 Action against Murderer of Assurbanipal§22 Action against Murderer of Assurbanipal
o 257_T_iv_1257_T_iv_1

la ta-ta-bak-a-ni gi-[im]-lu [šá m]-šurA

(257_T_iv_1) [You shall wait for a woman pregnant by Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, (or) for the wife of Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate (to give birth), and after (a son) is born, bring him up and set him on the throne of Assyria, seize and slay the perpetrators of rebellion, destroy their name and their seed from the land, and] by shedding [blood for blood], avenge Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate.

o 258–259_T_iv_2258–259_T_iv_2

DUMULUGAL GAL-u šá É-te la tu-tar-ra-a-ni-ni

§ 23 Prohibition against Killing Assurbanipal§23 Prohibition against Killing Assurbanipal
o 259_T_iv_3259_T_iv_3

šum-ma [at]-tu-nu m[]-šur[A DUMU]MAN GAL šá É-te

(259_T_iv_3) You shall not give [As]surbani[pal], the great crown [prince] designate, son of [Esarha]ddon, king of Assyria, yo[ur lord], a deadly drug to eat or to drink, [nor anoint him with it], nor practice [witchcraft] against him, [nor make gods and goddesses ang]ry [with him].

o 261–262_T_iv_4261–262_T_iv_4

DUMU [m-šurPAB] MAN KUR-šur [EN-ku]-nu šam-mu šá mu-a-te?-šú

o 262–263_T_iv_5262–263_T_iv_5

tu-šá-kal-[a]-šú-u-ni ta-[šá]-qi-a-šú-ú-ni

o 263–264_T_iv_6263–264_T_iv_6

[ta-pa-šá-šá-šú-u-ni kiš-pi] te-pa-šá-niš-šú-u-ni

o 264–265_T_iv_7264–265_T_iv_7

[DINGIR-MEŠ u d.TAR is-si-šú tu-šá-az]-na-a-ni

§ 24 Action in Favour of Assurbanipal's Brothers§24 Action in Favour of Assurbanipal's Brothers
o 266_T_iv_8266_T_iv_8

[šum-ma at-tu-nu] a-na m-šurA

(266_T_iv_8) [You shall love] Assurbanipal, [the great crown prince] designate, [son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria], your [lord, like yourselves].

o 266_T_iv_9266_T_iv_9

[DUMUMAN GAL-u] šá É-te

o 267_T_iv_10267_T_iv_10

[DUMU m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur EN]-ku-nu

o 268_T_iv_11268_T_iv_11

[ki-i nap-šá-te-ku-nu la tar-ʾa-ma-a]-ni

rest broken away



§ 29 Injunction against Fomenting Strife between Prince and His Brothers§29 Injunction against Fomenting Strife between Prince and His Brothers
o 344_T_v_1344_T_v_1

at-tu-nu ta-šam!-ma-a-ni la DÙG.GA- šá ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú

(344_T_v_1) [If someone involves you in a plot, be it one of his brothers, his uncles, his relations, a member of his father's line, a eunuch or a bearded (courtier), an Assyrian or a foreigner, or any human being at all, saying: "Slander his brothers, sons by his own mother, before him, make it come to a fight between them, and divide his brothers, sons of his own mother, from him"], you shall not obey nor speak evil about his brothers in his presence, nor divide him from his brothers; you shall not let those who speak such things go free but shall come and report to Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate as follows: "Your father imposed a treaty on us and made us swear an oath concerning it."

o 345–346_T_v_2345–346_T_v_2

ina IGI-šú ta-qab-ba-a-ni TA IGI ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú

o 346–347_T_v_3346–347_T_v_3

ta-par-ra-sa-šú-u-ni šum-ma qa-bi-a-nu-ti

o 347–348_T_v_4347–348_T_v_4

šá a-bu- an-ni- iq-ba-ka-nu-u-ni

o 348–349_T_v_5348–349_T_v_5

tu-ra-ma-šú-u-ni šum-ma la tal-lak-a-ni-ni

o 349–350_T_v_6349–350_T_v_6

a-na m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u šá É-te

o 350–351_T_v_7350–351_T_v_7

la ta-qab-ba-a-ni ma-a AD-ka a-de-e

o 351–352_T_v_8351–352_T_v_8

ina UGU-ḫi is-si-ni is-sa-kan ú-tam-ma-na-a-ši

§ 30 Response to Attempts to Foment Strife§30 Response to Attempts to Foment Strife
o 353_T_v_9353_T_v_9

šum-ma ta-da-ga-la a-na m-šurA DUMUMAN

(353_T_v_9) You will not look at Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, or his brothers without reverence or submission. If someone does not protect him, you will fight them as if fighting for yourselves. You will bring frightful terror into their hearts, saying: "Your (pl.) father wrote (this) in the treaty, he established it, and he has made us swear it."

o 353–354_T_v_10353–354_T_v_10

GAL-u šá É-te ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú la pal-ḫu-

o 354–355_T_v_11354–355_T_v_11

la kan-šu- EN.NUN-šú la i-na-ṣu-ru at-tu-nu

o 356_T_v_12356_T_v_12

ki ra-ma-ni-ku-nu ṣa-a-li la ta-ga-ra-šú-nu-ni

o 357_T_v_13357_T_v_13

pu-luḫ- NÍG.BA-MEŠ-te ina ŠÀ-bi-šú-nu

o 358_T_v_14358_T_v_14

la tu-še-rab-a-ni ma-a AD-ku-nu ina ŠÀ-bi

o 358–359_T_v_15358–359_T_v_15

a-de-e is-sa-ṭar is-sa-kan ú-tam-ma-na-a-ši

§ 30a§ 30a
o 353_T_v_16353_T_v_16

šum-ma ta-da-ga-la a-na <m>-šur<$x$>A

(353_T_v_16) You will not look at Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, or his brothers without reverence or submission. If someone does not protect him, you will fight them as if fighting for [your]se[lves]. You will bring frightful terror into their hearts, saying: "Your (pl.) father wrote (this) in the treaty, he established it, and he has made us swear it."

o 353–354_T_v_17353–354_T_v_17

DUMULUGAL GAL-u šá É-ti ŠEŠ-MEŠ-<$x$>-šú

o 354–355_T_v_18354–355_T_v_18

la pal-ḫu- la kan-šú- EN.NUN-šú la i-na-ṣu-ru

o 355–356_T_v_19355–356_T_v_19

at-tu-nu ki ra-[ma-ni-ku-nu] ṣa-a-li

o 356–357_T_v_20356–357_T_v_20

la ta-ga-ra-šú-nu-ni pu-luḫ- NÍG.BA-MEŠ-te

o 357–358_T_v_21357–358_T_v_21

ina ŠÀ-bi-šú-nu la tu-še-rab-a-ni

o 358–359_T_v_22358–359_T_v_22

ma-a AD-ku-nu ina ŠÀ a-de-e is-sa-ṭar

o 359_T_v_23359_T_v_23

is-sa-kan ú-tam-ma-na-a-ši

§ 31 Injunction against Fomenting Strife after Assurbanipal's Accession§31 Injunction against Fomenting Strife after Assurbanipal's Accession
o 360_T_v_24360_T_v_24

šum-ma at-tu-nu ki-ma <m>-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur.KI

(360_T_v_24) When Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, passes away and Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, ascends the royal throne, you shall not say any evil word about his brothers, sons of his own mother, before their brother nor try to make them hateful (saying): "Bring your hand against them for an evil deed." You shall not alienate them from Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, nor shall you say any evil word about them in the presence of their brother. (As for) the positions which Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, their father, assigned them, you shall not speak in the presence of Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, (trying to make him) remove them from their positions.

o 360–361_T_v_25360–361_T_v_25

EN-ku-nu a-na šim-ti it-ta-lak

o 361–362_T_v_26361–362_T_v_26

m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u šá É-ti

o 362_T_v_27362_T_v_27

ina GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-ti it-tu-šib

o 363_T_v_28363_T_v_28

a-bu- la DÙG.GA- šá ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú DUMU AMA-šú

o 364_T_v_29364_T_v_29

ina IGI ŠEŠ-šú-nu ta-qab-ba-a-ni tu-šá-an-za-ra-ni

o 365_T_v_30365_T_v_30

ma ŠU.2-ka ina ḪUL-ti ina ŠÀ-bi-šú-nu ú-bíl

o 366–367_T_v_31366–367_T_v_31

šum-ma TA IGI m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL šá É-ti

o 367–368_T_v_32367–368_T_v_32

tu-nak-kar-a-šá-nu-u-ni di-ib-bi-šú-nu

o 368-369_T_v_33368-369_T_v_33

la SIG₅-MEŠ ina IGI ŠEŠ-šú-nu ta-qa-ba-a-ni

o 369–370_T_v_34369–370_T_v_34

ma-za-su šá m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur AD-šú-nu u-kal-lim-u-šá-nu-ni

o 370–371_T_v_35370–371_T_v_35

ina IGI m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u šá É-te ta-qab-ba-a-ni

o 372_T_v_36372_T_v_36

TA ŠÀ ma-za--šú-nu ú-na-kar-u-šá-nu-ni

§ 32 Prohibition against Invalidation of Oath§32 Prohibition against Invalidation of Oath
o 373_T_v_37373_T_v_37

šum-ma at-tu-nu sar-bu? [ša ina UGU DINGIR]-MEŠ šá UKKIN

(373_T_v_37) You shall not smear your face, your hands, and your [throat] with ... [against the god]s of the assembly, nor [tie] it in your lap, nor d[o] anything to undo the oath.

o 374_T_v_38374_T_v_38

lu pa-ni-ku-nu lu ŠU.2-ku-nu [(x) x x x]-ku-nu

o 375–376_T_v_39375–376_T_v_39

ta-pa-šá-šá-ni ina si-qi-ku-nu ta-[rak-kas-a-ni]

o 376_T_v_40376_T_v_40

šá ma-mit pa-šá-ri! te-pa-[šá-a-ni]

§ 33 Prohibition against Undoing the Oath§33 Prohibition against Undoing the Oath
o 377_T_v_41377_T_v_41

šum-ma at-tu-nu tur-tu tu-tar-ra-a-ni

(377_T_v_41) You shall not try to revoke or undo (this) oath ... [...]; you shall neither think of nor perform a ritual to revoke or undo this oath. You and your sons to be born in the future will be bound by this oath concerning Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, from this day on until what(ever) comes after this treaty.

o 378–379_T_v_42378–379_T_v_42

ma-mit ta-pa-šar-a-ni ši-in-ga-ti me-me-ni

o 379_T_v_43379_T_v_43

šá tur-ti tur-ri ma-mit pa-šá-ri ta-ḫa-sa-sa-ni-ni

o 380_T_v_44380_T_v_44

te-ep-pa-šá-a-ni ta-- an-ni- a-na m-šurA

o 380–381_T_v_45380–381_T_v_45


o 381–382_T_v_46381–382_T_v_46

EN-ku-nu TA UD-me an-ni-e a-di šá EGIR a-de-e

o 383–384_T_v_47383–384_T_v_47

ib-ba-šú-u-ni at-tu-nu DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu <ša> a-na UD-me

o 384_T_v_48384_T_v_48

ṣa-a-ti ib-ba-šú-u-ni ta-ʾa-ku-nu

§ 34 Attitude toward Swearing the Oath§34 Attitude toward Swearing the Oath
o 385_T_v_49385_T_v_49

šum-ma at-tu-nu ki ina kaq-qar ta--ti

(385_T_v_49) While you stand on the place of this oath, you shall not swear this oath with your lips only but shall swear it wholeheartedly; you shall teach it to your [sons] to be born after this treaty; you shall not feign unclean illness but take part in this treaty of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, concerning Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate. In the future and forever Aššur will be your god, and Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, will be your lord. May your sons and your grandsons fear his sons.

o 385–386_T_v_50385–386_T_v_50

an-ni-ti ta-za-za-a-ni ta-- šá da-bab-ti

o 386–387_T_v_51386–387_T_v_51

šap-ti ta-tam-ma-ni ina gu-mur-ti ŠÀ-ku-nu

o 387_T_v_52387_T_v_52

la ta-tam-ma-a-ni a-na [DUMU-MEŠ]-ku-nu

o 387–388_T_v_53387–388_T_v_53

šá EGIR a-de-e ib-ba-áš-šú-[u]-ni

o 388–389_T_v_54388–389_T_v_54

la tu-šal-ma-da-a-ni šum-ma at-tu-nu

o 389–390_T_v_55389–390_T_v_55

GIG la SIKIL ina UGU ra-ma-ni-ku-nu ta-šá-kan-a-ni

o 390–391_T_v_56390–391_T_v_56

ina ŠÀ a-de-e šá m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur šá ina UGU m-šurA

o 391–392_T_v_57391–392_T_v_57

DUMUMAN GAL šá É-te la te-er-rab-a-ni

o 393_T_v_58393_T_v_58

a-na EGIR UD-me a-na UD-me ṣa-a-ti -šur DINGIR-ku-nu

o 394_T_v_59394_T_v_59

m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL šá É-te EN-ku-nu

o 395–396_T_v_60395–396_T_v_60

DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu DUMUDUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu a-na DUMU-MEŠ-šú lip-lu-ḫu

§ 35 Obligation to Guard the Treaty Document§35 Obligation to Guard the Treaty Document
o 397_T_v_61397_T_v_61

šá ma-mit ṭup-pi an-ni-e e-nu-u e-gu-u i-ḫaṭ-ṭu

(397_T_v_61) Whoever changes, neglects, violates, or voids the oath of this tablet and transgresses against the father, the lord, (and) the treaty of the great gods(?) (and) breaks their entire oath, or whoever discards this treaty tablet, a tablet of Aššur, king of the gods, and the great gods, my lords, or whoever removes the statue of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the statue of Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, or the statue(s) of his brothers (and) his sons which are over him you will guard like your god this sealed tablet of the great ruler on which is written the treaty of Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, the son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, which is sealed with the seal of Aššur, king of the gods, and which is set up before you.

o 398–399_T_v_62398–399_T_v_62

i-pa-sa-su AD EN a!(e-)de-e DINGIR-MEŠ GAL-MEŠ e-te-qu

o 399–400_T_v_63399–400_T_v_63

i-par-ra-ṣu ma-mit-su-un gab-ba-šú-nu ṭup-pi

o 400–401_T_v_64400–401_T_v_64

a-de-e an-ni-e ṭup-pi -šur MAN DINGIR-MEŠ u DINGIR-MEŠ

o 401–402_T_v_65401–402_T_v_65

GAL-MEŠ EN-<MEŠ>-ía ú-na-kar-u-ma ṣa-lam m-šurPAB

o 402–403_T_v_66402–403_T_v_66

MAN KUR-šur ṣa-lam m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL ša É-te

o 404_T_v_67404_T_v_67

lu ṣa-lam ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú DUMU.NITA-MEŠ-šú ša ina UGU-ḫi-[šú]

o 404–405_T_v_68404–405_T_v_68

ú-na-kar-u-ni NA₄.KIŠIB <NUN> GAL-e an-ni-e

o 405–406_T_v_69405–406_T_v_69

šá a-de-e šá m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL šá É-te

o 406?_T_v_70406?_T_v_70

DUMU m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur EN-ku-nu ina ŠÀ šá-ṭir-u-ni

o 407–408_T_v_71407–408_T_v_71

ina NA₄.KIŠIB šá -šur LUGAL DINGIR-MEŠ ka-nik-u-ni

o 408–409_T_v_72408–409_T_v_72

ina IGI-ku-nu šá-kín-u-ni ki DINGIR-ku-nu la ta-na-ṣar-a-ni

§ 36 Injunction against Destroying the Document§36 Injunction against Destroying the Document
o 410_T_v_73410_T_v_73

šum-ma at-tu-nu tu-na-kar-a-ni ina dGIŠ.BAR

(410_T_v_73) If you should remove it, consign it to the fire, throw it into the water, cover it in the earth or destroy it by any cunning device, annihilate or deface it,

o 411_T_v_74411_T_v_74

ta-pa-qid-da-a-ni a-na A-MEŠ ta-na-da-a-ni

o 412_T_v_75412_T_v_75

ina ep-ri ta-kàt-ta-ma-a-ni ina mim-ma

o 412–413_T_v_76412–413_T_v_76

ši-pir ni-kil-ti ta-bat-a-ni tu-ḫal-la-qa-a-ni

o 413_T_v_77413_T_v_77


§ 37-56 Standard Curse Section§37-56 Standard Curse Section
o 414_T_v_78414_T_v_78


(414_T_v_78) May Aššur, king of the gods, who decrees the fates, decree an evil and unpleasant fate for you.

o 414–415_T_v_79414–415_T_v_79

ši-mat .ḪUL! la DÙG.GA-ti li-ši-im-ku-nu

§ 38§38
o 417_T_v_80417_T_v_80

dNIN.LÍL ḫi-ir- na-ram-ta-šú

(417_T_v_80) May Mullissu, his beloved wife, make your words evil, may she not intercede for you.

o 417–418_T_v_81417–418_T_v_81

a-ma-ti-ku-nu li-lam--in

o 418_T_v_82418_T_v_82

a-a i-ṣi-ba-ta a-bu--ku-nu

§ 38 A§38A
o 418A_T_v_83418A_T_v_83

da-num MAN DINGIR-<MEŠ> GIG ta--ḫu

(418A_T_v_83) May Anu, king of the gods, let disease, exhaustion, malaria, sleeplessness, worries and ill health rain upon all your houses.

o 418A–B_T_v_84418A–B_T_v_84

di-ʾu-u di-lip- ni-sa- la DÙG.GA UZU

o 418B–C_T_v_85418B–C_T_v_85

UGU nap-ḫar É-MEŠ-ku-nu li-[šá-az-nin]

§ 39§39
o 419_T_v_86419_T_v_86

d30 na-nar AN-[e u KI.TIM ina SAḪAR.ŠUB-pu]

(419_T_v_86) May Sin, the brightness of heaven [and earth], clothe you [with leprosy and forbid] your entering [into the presence of the gods or king. Roa]m the desert like the [wild]-ass and the gazelle!

o 420_T_v_87420_T_v_87

li-ḫal-lip-ku-nu [ina IGI DINGIR-MEŠ u LUGAL]

o 420–421_T_v_88420–421_T_v_88

e-re-eb-ku-nu [a-a iq-bi ki-ma šér]-re-me

o 421_T_v_89421_T_v_89

MAŠ. EDIN [ru-up]-da

§ 40§40
o 422_T_v_90422_T_v_90

[...] x [x]

(422_T_v_90) [May Šamaš, the light of heaven and earth, not judge you justly. May he remove your eyesight. Walk about in darkness]!

rest broken away, approximately 8 lines


§ 43§43
o 431_T_vi_1431_T_vi_1


(431_T_vi_1) May Jupit[er], exalted [lord] of the gods, not show you the entrance of Bel in Esangil; may he destroy your life.

o 431–432_T_vi_2431–432_T_vi_2

ina É.sag-gíl a-a ú!(i-)kal-lim-ku-nu

o 432_T_vi_3432_T_vi_3

ma li-ḫal-li-qa nap-šat-ku-un

§ 44§44
o 433_T_vi_4433_T_vi_4

dAMAR.UTU DUMU. reš-tu-ú ḫi-ṭu

(433_T_vi_4) May Marduk, the eldest son, decree a heavy punishment and an indissoluble curse for your fate.

o 433_T_vi_5433_T_vi_5

kab- ma-mit la pa-šá-a-ri

o 434_T_vi_6434_T_vi_6

a-na šim-ti-ku-nu li-ši-im

§ 45§45
o 435_T_vi_7435_T_vi_7

dNUMUN- na-di-na-at MU u NUMUN

(435_T_vi_7) May Zarpanitu, who grants name and seed, destroy your name and your seed from the land.

o 435–436_T_vi_8435–436_T_vi_8

MU-ku-nu NUMUN-a-ku-nu ina KUR li-ḫal-liq-qi

§ 46§46
o 437_T_vi_9437_T_vi_9

dbe-letDINGIR-MEŠ EN-lat nab-ni-ti ta-lit-

(437_T_vi_9) May Belet-ili, the lady of creation, cut off birth from your land; may your nurses be deprived of the cries of little children in the streets and squares.

o 437–438_T_vi_10437–438_T_vi_10

ina KUR-ku-nu lip-ru-us ik-kil TUR.DIŠ

o 438–439_T_vi_11438–439_T_vi_11

u la-ke-e ina SILA re-bi-ti li!(la-)iz-za-ma-a

o 439_T_vi_12439_T_vi_12


§ 47§47
o 440_T_vi_13440_T_vi_13

dIM .GAL [AN]-e KI.TIM A.AN šam-ut-e

(440_T_vi_13) May Adad, the canal inspector of heaven and earth, cut off rain from your land, and may your fields lack grain, may he submerge your land with a great flood; may the locust who diminishes [the land] devour your harvest; may the sound of mill or [oven] be lacking [from your houses], may the grain for grinding dis[app]ear from you; instead of grain may your sons and your daughters grind your bones; may not (even) your (first) finger-joint dip in the dough, may the qāqānu-worm eat up the dough from your bowls. May a mother bar the door to her daughter. In your hunger eat the flesh of your sons! In want and famine may one man eat the flesh of another; may one man clothe himself in another's skin; may dogs and swine eat your flesh; may your ghost have nobody to take care of the pouring of libations to him.

o 440–441_T_vi_14440–441_T_vi_14

ina KUR-ku-nu lip-ru-us ta-me-ra-a-ti-ku-nu

o 441_T_vi_15441_T_vi_15

li-iz-za-am-ma-a a-na la DÙG.GA

o 442_T_vi_16442_T_vi_16

ina ri-iḫ-ṣi dan-[ni] KUR-ku-nu li-ir-ḫi-iṣ

o 442–43_T_vi_17442–43_T_vi_17

BURU₅ mu-ṣa-ḫi-ir [KUR] BURU₁₄-ku-nu le-kul

o 443–444_T_vi_18443–444_T_vi_18

ik-kil NA₄.UR₅ u [NINDU ina É-MEŠ-ku-nu] a-a ib-ši

o 444–445_T_vi_19444–445_T_vi_19

ŠE.PAD-MEŠ a-na ṭe-a-ni lu taḫ-[li]-qa-ku-nu

o 445–446_T_vi_20445–446_T_vi_20

ku-um ŠE.PAD-MEŠ eṣ-mat-e-ku-nu DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu

o 446_T_vi_21446_T_vi_21

DUMU.-MEŠ-e-ku-nu li-ṭe-e-nu

o 446–447_T_vi_22446–447_T_vi_22

ki-ṣir šá ŠU.SI-MEŠ-e-ku-nu ina le-e-ši

o 447_T_vi_23447_T_vi_23

lu la i-ṭa-bu qa-qa-a-nu

o 447_T_vi_24447_T_vi_24

TA ŠÀ a-ṣu-da-a-ti-ku-nu NÍG.SILA₁₁.GA

o 448_T_vi_25448_T_vi_25

le-kul AMA UGU DUMU.-ti-šá -šá

o 448–449_T_vi_26448–449_T_vi_26

le-di-il ina bu-ri-ku-nu UZU DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu

o 449–450_T_vi_27449–450_T_vi_27

ak-la ina bu-bu-u-ti ḫu-šaḫ-ḫi

o 450_T_vi_28450_T_vi_28

UZU le-kul KUŠ

o 451_T_vi_29451_T_vi_29

li-la-biš UZU-MEŠ-ku-nu UR.KU-MEŠ

o 451–452_T_vi_30451–452_T_vi_30

ŠAḪ-MEŠ le-ku-lu e-ṭam-ma-ku-nu

o 452_T_vi_31452_T_vi_31

pa-qi-du na-aq <<TA>> A a-a ir-ši

§ 48§48
o 453_T_vi_32453_T_vi_32

d.TAR be-let MURUB₄ ina dan-ni

(453_T_vi_32) May Ištar, lady of battle and war, smash your bow in the thick of battle, may she bind your arms, and have you crouch under [yo]ur [enemy].

o 453–454_T_vi_33453–454_T_vi_33

GIŠ.BAN-ku-nu liš-bir i-di-ku-nu lik-si

o 454_T_vi_34454_T_vi_34

ina KI.TA .[KÚR-ku]-nu lu li-še-šib-ku-nu

§ 49§49
o 455_T_vi_35455_T_vi_35

dU.GUR qar-rad DINGIR-MEŠ ina GÍR-šú la ga--li

(455_T_vi_35) May Nergal, hero of the gods, extinguish your life with his merciless sword, and [s]end slaughter and pestilence among you.

o 455–456_T_vi_36455–456_T_vi_36

nap-šat-ku-nu li-bal-li šag-gaš-

o 456_T_vi_37456_T_vi_37

NAM.ÚŠ-MEŠ ina ŠÀ-bi-ku-nu liš-kun

§ 50§50
o 457–458_T_vi_38457–458_T_vi_38

dNIN.LÍL a-ši-bát NINA.KI GÍR ḫa-an-ṭu

(457–458_T_vi_38) May Mullissu, who dwells in Nineveh, tie a flaming sword at your side.

o 458_T_vi_39458_T_vi_39

it-ti-ku-nu li-ir-ku-us

§ 51§51
o 459–460_T_vi_40459–460_T_vi_40

d15 a-ši-bát URU.arba-ìl ARḪUŠ₄ gim-lu a-a i-šá-kan UGU-ku-un

(459–460_T_vi_40) May Ištar, who dwells in Arbela, not show you mercy and compassion.

§ 52§52
o 461_T_vi_41461_T_vi_41

dgu-la a-zu-gal-la- GAL- GIG ta--ḫu ina ŠÀ-bi-ku-nu

(461_T_vi_41) May Gula, the great physician, create sickness and weariness in your hearts and an unhealing wound in your body. Bathe in blood and pus as if in water!

o 462_T_vi_42462_T_vi_42

si-mu la-zu ina zu--ri!?-ku-nu li-šab-ši MÚD-MEŠ šar-ku

o 463_T_vi_43463_T_vi_43

ki-ma A-MEŠ ru-un-ka

§ 54§54
o 466_T_vi_44466_T_vi_44

da-ra-miš ENURU KUR.SI ENURU A-MEŠ SIG₇-MEŠ li-mal-li-ku-nu

(466_T_vi_44) May Aramiš, lord of the city and land of Qarne (and) lord of the city and land of Aza'i, fill you with green water.

§ 54A54A
o 466A_T_vi_45466A_T_vi_45

dIM d<<DIŠ>>-ša-la šá URU.kur-ba-ìl si-iḫ-lu UZU-MEŠ

(466A_T_vi_45) May Adad and Šāla of Kurba'il create piercing pain and ill health everywhere in your land.

o _T_vi_46_T_vi_46

la DÙG.GA ina zu-mur KUR-ku-nu li-šab-ši

§ 54B54B
o 466B_T_vi_47466B_T_vi_47

dšar-rata-am-qár-ru-u-na TA ŠÀ-ku-nu li-šá-ḫi-ḫa tul-tu

(466B_T_vi_47) May Šarrat-Ekron make a worm fall from your insides.

§ 54C§54C
o 467_T_vi_48467_T_vi_48

dba-a-a-ti!(bal—)DINGIR <d>a-na-an-tidba-a-a-tiDINGIR

(467_T_vi_48) May Bethel (and) Anath-Bethel hand you over to the paws of a man-eating lion.

o 468_T_vi_49468_T_vi_49

ina ŠU.2 UR.MAḪ a-ki-li lim!-nu-ku-nu

§ 55§55
o 469–470_T_vi_50469–470_T_vi_50

dku- dkar-ḫu-ḫa šá URU.gar-ga-miš ri!?-im-ṭu

(469–470_T_vi_50) May Kubaba and Karhuha of Carchemish, put a serious venereal disease within you; may your blood drip to the ground like raindrops.

o 470–471_T_vi_51470–471_T_vi_51

dan-nu ina ŠÀ-ku-nu liš-kun MÚD-MEŠ-ku-nu ki-ma ti-ki ina kaq-qar lit-tu-tuk!

§ 56§56
o 472_T_vi_52472_T_vi_52

DINGIR-MEŠ GAL-MEŠ šá AN-e KI.TIM a-ši-bu-te

(472_T_vi_52) May all the great gods of heaven and earth who inhabit the universe and are mentioned by name in this tablet, strike you, look at you in anger and curse you grimly with a painful curse.

o 472–473_T_vi_53472–473_T_vi_53

kib-ra-a-ti ma-la ina ṭup-pi an-ni-e

o 473–474_T_vi_54473–474_T_vi_54

MU-šú-<nu> zak-ru lim-ḫa-ṣu-ku-u-nu

o 474–475_T_vi_55474–475_T_vi_55

li-kal-mu-ku-nu a-ra- ma-ru--

o 475–476_T_vi_56475–476_T_vi_56

ag-giš li-ru-ru-ku-nu e-liš ina TI.LA-MEŠ

o 476–477_T_vi_57476–477_T_vi_57

li-sa-ḫu-u-ku-nu šap-liš ina KI.TIM e-ṭam-ma-ku-nu

(476–477_T_vi_57) Above, may they take possession of your life; below, in the netherworld, may your ghost be deprived of water. May shade [and] daylight always chase you away, and may you not find refuge in a hidden corner. May food and water abandon you; may want and famine, hunger and plague never be removed from you.

o 477–478_T_vi_58477–478_T_vi_58

A-MEŠ li-za-mu-u GIŠ.MI [u] Ú.DA lik-ta-še-du-ku-nu

o 478–479_T_vi_59478–479_T_vi_59

a-na pu-uz-ri šá-ḫa-ti la ta-nim--da

o 479–480_T_vi_60479–480_T_vi_60

NINDA-MEŠ u A-MEŠ li-zi-bu-ku-nu su-un-qu ḫu-šaḫ-ḫu

o 480–481_T_vi_61480–481_T_vi_61

bu-bu- mu-ta-nu ina IGI-ku-nu a-a ip-pi-ṭir

o 481–482_T_vi_62481–482_T_vi_62

si-si šá ar-da-ti-ku-nu mat-nat šá .GURUŠ-ku-nu

(481–482_T_vi_62) Before your very eyes may dogs and swine drag the teats of your young women and the penises of your young men to and fro in the squares of Assur; may the earth not receive your corpses but may your burial place be in the belly of a dog or a pig.

o 482_T_vi_63482_T_vi_63

ina ni-ṭil IGI.2-MEŠ-ku-nu UR.KU-MEŠ ŠAḪ-MEŠ

o 483_T_vi_64483_T_vi_64

ina re-bit URU.-šur li-in-da-šá-ru

o 483–484_T_vi_65483–484_T_vi_65

.ÚŠ-MEŠ-ku-nu KI.TIM a-a im-ḫur ina kar-ši UR.KU-MEŠ

o 484–485_T_vi_66484–485_T_vi_66

ŠAḪ-MEŠ lu na-aq!-bar-ku-nu UD-me-MEŠ-ku-nu lu e-ṭu-u

o 485_T_vi_67485_T_vi_67

MU-MEŠ-ku-nu lu ek-la ek-le-ti

(485_T_vi_67) May your days be dark and your years dim, may darkness which is not to be brightened be declared as your fate. May your life end in exhaustion and sleeplessness.

o 486_T_vi_68486_T_vi_68

la na-ma-ri a-na šim-ti-ku-nu li-ši-mu

o 487_T_vi_69487_T_vi_69

ina ta--ḫi di-lip-ti na-piš-ti-ku-nu liq-ti

o 488_T_vi_70488_T_vi_70

U₄..ÀM a-bu-bu la maḫ-ru ul- KI.TIM

(488_T_vi_70) May an irresistible flood come up from the earth and devastate you; may anything good be forbidden to you, anything ill be your share; may tar and pitch be your food; may urine of an ass be your drink, may naphtha be your ointment, may duckweed be your covering. May demon, devil and evil spirit select your houses.

o 489_T_vi_71489_T_vi_71

li-la-am-ma na--pan-ta-ku-nu liš-<$x$>-kun

o 489–490_T_vi_72489–490_T_vi_72

mim-ma DÙG.GA lu ik-kib-ku-nu mim-ma GIG lu ši-mat-ku-nu

o 490_T_vi_73490_T_vi_73

qi-i-ru ku-up-ru lu ma-ka-la-ku-nu

o 491_T_vi_74491_T_vi_74

KÀŠ ANŠE.<NÍTA> lu maš-qit-ku-nu nap-ṭu lu pi--šat-ku-nu

o 492_T_vi_75492_T_vi_75

e-la-pu-u šá ÍD lu tak-ti-im-ku-nu

o 493_T_vi_76493_T_vi_76

še-e-du ú-tuk-ku MÁŠKIM lem-nu É-MEŠ-ku-nu li-ḫi-ru

§ 57 Vow of Allegiance to Assurbanipal§57 Vow of Allegiance to Assurbanipal
o 494_T_vi_77494_T_vi_77

DINGIR-MEŠ an-nu-ti lid-gu-lu šum-ma a-ni-ni

(494_T_vi_77) May these gods be our witnesses: we will not make rebellion or insurrection against Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, or against Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, or against his brothers, sons by the same mother as Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, and the rest of the sons of Esar[ha]ddon, king of Assyria, or make [common] cause with his enemy.

o 494–495_T_vi_78494–495_T_vi_78

ina UGU m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur ù m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u

o 495–496_T_vi_79495–496_T_vi_79

šá É-te u ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú DUMU AMA-[šú]

o 496_T_vi_80496_T_vi_80

šá m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u šá É-te

o 497_T_vi_81497_T_vi_81

u re-eḫ-ti DUMU-MEŠ ṣi-itŠÀ-bi šá m-šur[PAB]

o 497–498_T_vi_82497–498_T_vi_82

MAN KUR -šur si-ḫu bar- -ep-pa-áš-u-ni

o 498–499_T_vi_83498–499_T_vi_83

[pi-i-ni TA ].KÚR-šú ni-ša-kan-u-ni

o 499–500_T_vi_84499–500_T_vi_84

šum-ma [mu-šam-ḫi]-ṣu-u-te mu-šad-bi-bu-ti

o 500–501_T_vi_85500–501_T_vi_85

li-iḫ-[šu ša] a-mat ḪUL-tim

(500–501_T_vi_85) Should [we hea]r of [instig]ation to armed rebellion, agitation or malicious whisp[ers], evil, [un]seemly things, or treacherous, disloyal talk against Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, and against his brother[s] by the same mother as Assurbanipal, the great crown prince [designate], [we] will not conceal it but [will rep]ort it t[o Assurbanipal], the great crown [prince designa]te, our lord.

o 501–502_T_vi_86501–502_T_vi_86

la DÙG.GA [la] ba-ni- da-bab sur-ra-a-te

o 502–503_T_vi_87502–503_T_vi_87

la ke-na-a-te [šá ina] UGU m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u

o 503–504_T_vi_88503–504_T_vi_88

šá É-te u ŠEŠ-[MEŠ]-šú DUMU AMA-šú

o 504–505_T_vi_89504–505_T_vi_89

šá m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u šá [É-te ni-šam]-mu-u-ni

o 505–506_T_vi_90505–506_T_vi_90

[nu]-pa-za-ar-u-ni a-[na m-šurA DUMU]MAN GAL-u

o 506–507_T_vi_91506–507_T_vi_91

[šá É]-te EN-in-ni [la ni-qa]-bu-u-ni

o 507–508_T_vi_92507–508_T_vi_92

[UD-mu am-mar] a-ni-ni [DUMU-MEŠ-ni DUMU]DUMU-MEŠ-ni

(507–508_T_vi_92) [As long as] we, [our sons (and)] our [grands]ons [are alive, Assurbanipal], the great [crown prince designate, shall be our king and our lord, and we will not set any other king or prince over us, our sons or our grandsons. May all the gods mentioned by name (in this treaty) hold us, our seed and our seed's seed accountable (for this vow)].

o 508_T_vi_93508_T_vi_93

[bal-ṭa-a-ni-ni m-šurA DUMUMAN] GAL-u

rest broken away, approximately 4 to 5 lines destroyed

§ 58-106 Ceremonial Curse Section §58-106 Ceremonial Curse Section
o 513_T_vii_1513_T_vii_1

šum-ma at-tu-nu ina ŠÀ a-de-[e an-nu-te šá m-šurPAB]

(513_T_vii_1) If you should sin against [this] treaty [which Esarhaddon], king of Assyria, has concluded with yo[u] concerning Assurbanipal, [the great crown] prince designate, and concerning his brothers, sons by [the same] mother [as Assurbanipal], the great crown prince designate, and the [re]st of the offspring of Esar[ha]ddon, king of [Assyria, yo]ur lord.

o 513–514_T_vii_2513–514_T_vii_2

MAN KUR-šur šá ina UGU m-šurA DUMU[MAN GAL-u šá] É--te

o 515_T_vii_3515_T_vii_3

ù ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú DUMU AMA-[šú šá m-šurA]

o 515–516_T_vii_4515–516_T_vii_4

DUMUMAN GAL-u šá É-te u [re]-eḫ-ti DUMU-[MEŠ]

o 516–517_T_vii_5516–517_T_vii_5

ṣi-itŠÀ-bi šá m-šur[PAB] MAN KUR[-šur] EN-[ku]-nu

o 517_T_vii_6517_T_vii_6

<<⸢a-de-e>> is-si-ku-[nu] -kun-u-ni

o 517–518_T_vii_7517–518_T_vii_7

ta-ḫa-ṭa-a-ni d[-šur AD] DINGIR-MEŠ GAL-MEŠ

o 518_T_vii_8518_T_vii_8

[ina] GIŠ.TUKUL-MEŠ-šú e-[zu]-ti li-šam-qit-ku-nu

(518_T_vii_8) May [Aššur, father] of the great gods, strike you down [with] his fierce weapons.

§ 59§59
o 519_T_vii_9519_T_vii_9

dIGI.DU EN a-šá-re-du UZU-MEŠ-ku-nu

(519_T_vii_9) May Palil, the foremost lord, let eagles and vultures eat your flesh.

o 520_T_vii_10520_T_vii_10

Á.MUŠEN zi-i-bu li-šá-kil

§ 60§60
o 521–522_T_vii_11521–522_T_vii_11

dÉ.A MAN ZU.AB EN IDIM A-MEŠ la ba-la-ṭi liš-<te>-šir₄-ku-nu

(521–522_T_vii_11) May Ea, king of the Abyss, lord of the springs, ... you deadly water, and fill you with dropsy.

o 522_T_vii_12522_T_vii_12

a-ga-nu-til-la-a li-mal-li-ku-nu

§ 61§61
o 523_T_vii_13523_T_vii_13


(523_T_vii_13) May the great gods of heaven and earth turn water (and) oil into a curse for you.

o 523_T_vii_14523_T_vii_14

a-na NÍG.GIG-ku-nu liš-ku-nu

§ 62§62
o 524_T_vii_15524_T_vii_15

dGIŠ.BAR na-din ma-ka-li a-na DINGIR-MEŠ GAL-MEŠ

(524_T_vii_15) May Girra, who gives food to the great gods, burn up your name and your seed.

o 525_T_vii_16525_T_vii_16

MU-MEŠ-ku-nu NUMUN-MEŠ-ku-nu ina dGIŠ.BAR liq-mu

§ 63§63
o 526_T_vii_17526_T_vii_17

KI.MIN DINGIR-MEŠ ma-la ina ṭup-pi a-de-e an-ni-e

(526_T_vii_17) Ditto, may all the gods that are mentioned by name in this treaty tablet make the ground as narrow as a brick for you. May they make your ground like iron (so that) nothing can sprout from it.

o 526–527_T_vii_18526–527_T_vii_18

MU-šú-nu zak-ru am-mar SIG₄ kaq-qu-ru

o 527–528_T_vii_19527–528_T_vii_19

lu-si-qu-ni-ku-nu kaq-qar-ku-nu ki-[i] AN.BAR

o 528–529_T_vii_20528–529_T_vii_20

le-pu-šu me-me-ni ina ŠÀ-bi lu la i-par-ru-ʾa

§ 64§64
o 530_T_vii_21530_T_vii_21

ki-i šá TA ŠÀ AN-[e] šá UD.KA.BAR A.AN

(530_T_vii_21) Just as rain does not fall from a brazen heaven so may rain and dew not come upon your fields and [yo]ur meadows; instead of dew may burning coals rain on your land.

o 530–531_T_vii_22530–531_T_vii_22

la i-za-nun-a-ni ki-i ḫa-an-ni-e

o 531–532_T_vii_23531–532_T_vii_23

A.AN na-al-šu ina A.ŠÀ-MEŠ-ku-nu ta-me-ra-te-[ku]-nu

o 532_T_vii_24532_T_vii_24

lu la il-lak ku-um A.AN

o 533_T_vii_25533_T_vii_25

pe-ʾe-na-a-ti ina KUR-ku-nu li-iz-nu-na

§ 65§65
o 534–535_T_vii_26534–535_T_vii_26

ki-i šá AN.NA [ina] IGI IZI la i-za-zu-u-ni at-tu-nu

(534–535_T_vii_26) Just as lead does not stand up before a fire, so may you not stand before your enemy (or) take your sons and your daughters in your hands.

o 535_T_vii_27535_T_vii_27

[ina] IGI .KÚR-ku-nu la ta-za-a-za DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu

o 536_T_vii_28536_T_vii_28

DUMU.-MEŠ-ku-<nu> ina ŠU.2-ku-nu la ta-ṣab-ba-ta

§ 66§66
o 537–538_T_vii_29537–538_T_vii_29

ki-i šá NUMUN ša ANŠE.ku-din-[ni] la-áš-šu-u-ni MU-ku-nu

(537–538_T_vii_29) Just as a mule has no offspring, may your name, your seed, and the seed of your brothers, your sons and your daughters disappear from the land.

o 538_T_vii_30538_T_vii_30

NUMUN-ku-nu NUMUN šá ŠEŠ-MEŠ-ku-nu DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu

o 539_T_vii_31539_T_vii_31

DUMU.-MEŠ-ku-nu TA KUR li-iḫ-li-iq

§ 67§67
o 540_T_vii_32540_T_vii_32

ki-i šá SI [šá x x]-ni NUMUN u sík-kit KAŠ

(540_T_vii_32) Just as a shoot is [...], (and) seed(s) and the yeast of beer are [placed] within, and just as these seeds do not sprout, and the yeast of beer does not turn [t]o its ..., may your name, your seed, and the seed of your brothers and your sons disappear from the face of the earth.

o 541_T_vii_33541_T_vii_33

ina ŠÀ-bi [šak-nu]-ni ki-i šá NUMUN-MEŠ-ni an-nu-te

o 541–542_T_vii_34541–542_T_vii_34

la i-par-[ru]--u-ni-ni u sík-kit KAŠ

o 542_T_vii_35542_T_vii_35

[a]-na? x-x-ni-šá la ta-sa-ḫar-u-ni

o 543_T_vii_36543_T_vii_36

MU-ku-nu NUMUN-ku-nu NUMUN šá ŠEŠ-MEŠ-ku-nu DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu

o 544_T_vii_37544_T_vii_37

ina UGU pa-ni šá kaq-qi-ri li-iḫ-li-iq

§ 68§68
o 545_T_vii_38545_T_vii_38

dUTU ina GIŠ.APIN šá AN.BAR URU-ku-nu KUR-ku-nu

(545_T_vii_38) May Šamaš with an iron plough overturn your city, your country and your district.

o 545–546_T_vii_39545–546_T_vii_39

na-gi-ku-nu lu-šá-bal-kit

§ 69§69
o 547_T_vii_40547_T_vii_40

KI.MIN KI.MIN ki-i šá U₈ an-ni-ti

(547_T_vii_40) Ditto, ditto; just as this ewe has been cut open and the flesh of her young has been placed in her mouth, may they make you eat in your hunger the flesh of your sons and your daughters.

o 547–548_T_vii_41547–548_T_vii_41

šal-qa-tu-u-ni UZU šá DUMU-šá ina KA-šá

o 548–549_T_vii_42548–549_T_vii_42

šá-kín-u-ni ki-i ḫa-an-ni-i UZU-MEŠ

o 549–550_T_vii_43549–550_T_vii_43

šá DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu DUMU.-MEŠ-ku-<nu> ina bu-ri-ku-nu li?-<šá>-kil?-ku-nu

§ 70§70
o 551_T_vii_44551_T_vii_44

ki-i šá kab-su kab-su- UDU.NIM .NIM-

(551_T_vii_44) Just as young sheep and ewes and male and female spring lambs are slit open and their entrails rolled down over their feet, so may the entrails of your sons and your daughters roll down over your feet.

o 551–552_T_vii_45551–552_T_vii_45

šal-qu-u-ni ir-ri-šú-nu TA GÌR.2-šú-nu

o 552–553_T_vii_46552–553_T_vii_46

kar-ku-u-ni ir-ri šá DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu

o 553–554_T_vii_47553–554_T_vii_47

DUMU.-MEŠ-ku-<nu> TA GÌR.2-MEŠ-ku-nu li-kar-ka

§ 71§71
o 555_T_vii_48555_T_vii_48

[ki-i] šá MUŠ dNIN.KILIM ina ŠÀ [01]-et ḫu-re-te

(555_T_vii_48) [Just] as a snake and a mongoose do not enter the [sa]me hole to lie there together but think only of cutting each other's throat, so may you and your women not enter the same room to lie down in the same bed; think only of cutting each other's throats!

o 556_T_vii_49556_T_vii_49

la e-rab-u-ni la i-rab-bi-ṣu-u-ni

o 557_T_vii_50557_T_vii_50

[ina] UGU <na-kas> ZI-MEŠ šá a-ḫe- id-da-bu-ub-u-ni

o 558_T_vii_51558_T_vii_51

at-tu-nu -MEŠ-ku-nu ina ŠÀ 1-en É la te-ra-ba

o 559_T_vii_52559_T_vii_52

ina UGU 01-et GIŠ. la ta-tal-la ina UGU na-kas

o 559_T_vii_53559_T_vii_53

ZI-MEŠ šá a-ḫe- du-ub-ba

§ 72§72
o 560–561_T_vii_54560–561_T_vii_54

ki-i šá NINDA-MEŠ GEŠTIN ina <ŠÀ> ir-ri-ku-nu e-rab-u-ni ta--

(560–561_T_vii_54) Just as bread and wine enter into your intestines, (so) may they (= the gods) make this (oath) enter into your intestines and into those of your sons and your daughters.

o 561–562_T_vii_55561–562_T_vii_55

an-ni- ina ŠÀ ir-ri-ku-nu ir-ri šá DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu DUMU.[]-MEŠ-ku-nu lu-še-ri-bu

§ 73§73
o 563–564_T_vii_56563–564_T_vii_56

ki-i šá A-MEŠ ina ŠÀ tak-ku-si ta-nap!-pa-ḫa-a-ni a-na ka-šú-[nu]

(563–564_T_vii_56) Just as you blow water out of a tube, may they blow out you, your [women], your sons and your daughters; may your streams and your springs make their waters flow backwards.

o 564–565_T_vii_57564–565_T_vii_57

[]-MEŠ-ku-nu DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu DUMU.-MEŠ-ku-nu li-pu-ḫu-ku-nu

o 565–566_T_vii_58565–566_T_vii_58

ÍD-MEŠ-ku-nu IGI.2-[MEŠ]-ku-nu A-MEŠ-ši-na a-na -niš lu-sa-ḫi-ra

§ 74§74
o 567_T_vii_59567_T_vii_59

NINDA-MEŠ ina pi-it-ti KUG.GI ina KUR-ku-nu lil-

(567_T_vii_59) May they take [b]read away from your land in the same manner as gold.

§ 75§75
o 568_T_vii_60568_T_vii_60

KI.MIN KI.MIN ki-i šá LÀL ma-ti-qu-u-ni MÚD-MEŠ šá -MEŠ-ku-nu

(568_T_vii_60) Ditto, ditto; just as honey is sweet, so may the blood of your women, your sons and your daughters be sweet in your mouth.

o 569_T_vii_61569_T_vii_61

DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu DUMU.-MEŠ-ku-nu ina pi-i-ku-nu li-im-ti-iq

§ 76§76
o 570_T_vii_62570_T_vii_62

ki-i šá šá-aṣ-bu-ti tul- ta-kul-u-ni

(570_T_vii_62) Just as a worm eats provisions, so may the worm eat, while you are (still) alive, your own flesh and the flesh of your wives, your sons and your daughters.

o 571_T_vii_63571_T_vii_63

ina bal-ṭu-ti-ku-nu UZU-MEŠ-ku-nu UZU-MEŠ šá -MEŠ-ku-nu

o 572_T_vii_64572_T_vii_64

DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu DUMU.-MEŠ-ku-nu tu-is-su lu ta-kul

o 573–574_T_vii_65573–574_T_vii_65

GIŠ.BAN-ku-nu liš-bi-ru ina KI.TA .KÚR-ku-nu lu-še-ši-[bu]-ku-nu

(573–574_T_vii_65) May they (= all the gods) break your bow and subje[ct] you to your enemy; may they turn over the bow in your hands and make your chariots run backwards.

o 574–575_T_vii_66574–575_T_vii_66

GIŠ.BAN ina ŠU.2-ku-nu lu-šá-bal-ki- GIŠ.GIGIR-MEŠ-ku-nu a-na -niš lu-šá-di-lu

§ 78§78
o 576–577_T_vii_67576–577_T_vii_67

ki-i šá a-a-lu kaš-šu-du-u-ni de-ku-u-ni a-na ka-a-šú-nu

(576–577_T_vii_67) Just as a stag is pursued and killed, so may you, your brothers and your sons be pursued and killed.

o 577–578_T_vii_68577–578_T_vii_68

ŠEŠ-MEŠ-ku-nu DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu lu-kaš-ši-du li-du-ku-ku-nu

§ 79§79
o 579–580_T_vii_69579–580_T_vii_69

ki-i šá bur-di-šá-ḫi la ta-da-gal-u-ni ina --ka-ni-šá

(579–580_T_vii_69) Just as a caterpillar does not see and does not return to its cocoon, so may you not return (to) your women, your sons, and to your house[s].

o 580–581_T_vii_70580–581_T_vii_70

la ta-sa-ḫar-u-ni at-tu-nu <ina UGU> -MEŠ-ku-nu DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu

o 581_T_vii_71581_T_vii_71

a-na É-[MEŠ]-ku-nu la ta-sa-ḫu-ra

§ 80§80
o 582_T_vii_72582_T_vii_72

KI.MIN KI.MIN ki-i šá MUŠEN ina du-ba-qi

(582_T_vii_72) Ditto, ditto; just as a bird is caught by a trap, so may they deliver you, your brothers and your sons into the hands of your enemy.

o 582–583_T_vii_73582–583_T_vii_73

i-sa-pak-u-ni a-na ka-šú-nu ŠEŠ-MEŠ-ku-nu

o 583–584_T_vii_74583–584_T_vii_74

DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu ina ŠU.2 .KÚR-ku-nu liš-ka-nu-ku-nu

§ 81§81
o 585–586_T_vii_75585–586_T_vii_75

UZU-MEŠ-ku-nu UZU-MEŠ šá [ŠEŠ?]-MEŠ-ku-nu -MEŠ-ku-nu DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu

(585–586_T_vii_75) May they make your flesh and the flesh of your [brother]s, your women and your sons as black as bitumen, pitch and naphtha.

o 586–587_T_vii_76586–587_T_vii_76

ki qi-i-ri ku-up-ri!(ḫu) nap-ṭi lu-ṣal-li-mu

§ 82§82
o 588–589_T_vii_77588–589_T_vii_77

ki-i šá ḫa-e-pa-ru--ḫi ú-ma-mu ina kip-pi i-sa-pa-ku-u-ni

(588–589_T_vii_77) Just as a ... beast is caught in a snare, may you, your brothers and your sons be seized by the hand of your enemy.

o 589–590_T_vii_78589–590_T_vii_78

at-tu-nu ŠEŠ-MEŠ-ku-nu DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu ina ŠU.2 .KÚR-ku-nu na-ṣa-bi-ta

§ 83§83
o 591–592_T_vii_79591–592_T_vii_79

UZU-MEŠ-ku-nu UZU-MEŠ šá ŠEŠ-MEŠ-ku-nu DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu

(591–592_T_vii_79) May your flesh and the flesh of your brothers, your sons and your daughters be wasted like the flesh of a chameleon.

o 592–593_T_vii_80592–593_T_vii_80

DUMU.-MEŠ-ku-nu ki-i UZU šá ḫur-ba-bil-li lig-mu-ru

§ 84§84
o 594–595_T_vii_81594–595_T_vii_81

ki-i šá ina ŠÀ ka-ma-ni [šá] LÀL ḪABRUD-MEŠ pa-lu-za-a-ni

(594–595_T_vii_81) Just as the honeycomb is pierced with holes, so may they pierce your flesh, the flesh of your brothers, your sons and your daughters with holes while you are alive.

o 596–597_T_vii_82596–597_T_vii_82

ki-i ḫa-an-ni-e UZU-MEŠ-ku-nu UZU-MEŠ šá ŠEŠ-MEŠ-ku-nu

o 597–598_T_vii_83597–598_T_vii_83

DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu DUMU.-MEŠ-ku-nu ina bal-ṭu-ti-ku-nu ḪABRUD-MEŠ lu pa-lu-za

§ 85§85
o 599_T_vii_84599_T_vii_84

ki-[i šá] BURU₅-MEŠ NUMUN bar!(me-)mu kal-ma- mu-nu

(599_T_vii_84) May they cause your [towns], your land and your fields be devoured just [as with] locusts, ..., lice, caterpillars [(and other field pests)].

o (599)–600_T_vii_85(599)–600_T_vii_85

[(a-ki-lu) URU-MEŠ]-ku-nu KUR-ku-nu A.ŠÀ-MEŠ-ku-nu lu-šá-ki-lu

§ 86§86
o 601_T_vii_86601_T_vii_86

ki-i zu-um-bi ina ŠU.2 .KÚR-ku-nu le-pa-šu-ku-nu

(601_T_vii_86) May they make you like a fly in the hand of your enemy, and may your enemy squash you.

o 602_T_vii_87602_T_vii_87

.KÚR-ku-nu li-im-ri-iṣ-ku-nu

§ 87§87
o 603_T_vii_88603_T_vii_88

[ki-i šá] pi-is-pi-su an-ni-ú

(603_T_vii_88) [Just as] this bug [st]inks, just so may your breath [st]ink before gods and king and mankind.

o 603–604_T_vii_89603–604_T_vii_89

[bi]-ʾi-šu-u-ni ki-i ḫa-an-ni-e

o 604_T_vii_90604_T_vii_90

ina IGI DINGIR-MEŠ u LUGAL u a-me-lu-te

o 605_T_vii_91605_T_vii_91

ni-piš-ku-nu [lib]-ʾi-i-šu

§ 88§88
o 606_T_viii_1606_T_viii_1

[a]-na [ka-na-šú-nu -MEŠ-ku-nu ŠEŠ-MEŠ-ku-nu]

(606_T_viii_1) [May they strangle you, your women, your brothers] and your sons with a cor[d].

o 606–607_T_viii_2606–607_T_viii_2

DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu ina pi-til-[ti li-iḫ-na-qu-ku-nu]

§ 89§89
o 608_T_viii_3608_T_viii_3

ki-i šá ṣa-lam šá DUḪ.[LÀL ina IZI -šar-rap-u-ni]

(608_T_viii_3) Just as an image of w[ax is burnt in the fire] and one of clay dissolved in water, so may your figure be burnt in the fire and sunk [in] water.

o 609_T_viii_4609_T_viii_4

šá IM ina A-MEŠ im-ma-ḫa-aḫ-ḫu-u-ni

o 610_T_viii_5610_T_viii_5

[ki]-i ḫa-an-ni-e la-an-ku-nu ina dGIŠ.BAR liq-mu-[u]

o 611_T_viii_6611_T_viii_6

[ina] A-MEŠ li-ṭa-bu-[u]

§ 90§90
o 612–613_T_viii_7612–613_T_viii_7

ki-i šá GIŠ.GIGIR a-di sa-si-šá ina MÚD-MEŠ ra-aḫ-[ṣa-tu-u-ni]

(612–613_T_viii_7) Just as (this) chariot is dr[enched] with blood up to its base-board, so may yo[ur] chariots [be drenched] with your own blood in the midst of yo(ur) enemy.

o 613–614_T_viii_8613–614_T_viii_8

ki-i ḫa-an-ni-e GIŠ.GIGIR-MEŠ-ku-[nu]

o 614–615_T_viii_9614–615_T_viii_9

ina MURUB₄ .KÚR-ku-<nu> ina MÚD-MEŠ šá ra-ma-ni-ku-nu li-[ra-aḫ-ṣa]

§ 91§91
o 616_T_viii_10616_T_viii_10

ki-i pi-laq-qi lu-šá-aṣ-bir-ku-nu

(616_T_viii_10) May they (= all the gods) spin you around like a spindle-whorl, may they make you like a woman before your enemy.

o 617_T_viii_11617_T_viii_11

ki-i ina IGI .KÚR-ku-nu le-pa-šú-ku-[nu]

§ 92§92
o 618_T_viii_12618_T_viii_12

KI.MIN KI.MIN a-na ka-a-šú-nu ŠEŠ-MEŠ-ku-nu

(618_T_viii_12) Ditto, ditto; may they (= all the gods) make you, your brothers and your sons go backward like a crab.

o 618–619_T_viii_13618–619_T_viii_13

DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu ki-i al-lu-ti

o 619–620_T_viii_14619–620_T_viii_14

[a]-na -in-niš lu-šá-di-lu-ku-nu

§ 93§93
o 621_T_viii_15621_T_viii_15

ki-i IZI la DÙG.GA- la SIG₅- lu-šal-bu-ku-[nu]

(621_T_viii_15) May they make evil and wicked things surround you like fire.

§ 94§94
o 622_T_viii_16622_T_viii_16

ki-i šá Ì-MEŠ ina ŠÀ-bi UZU-MEŠ e-rab-u-ni

(622_T_viii_16) Just as oil enters (your) flesh, so may they cause this oath to enter into your flesh and the flesh of your sons.

o 623_T_viii_17623_T_viii_17

ta-- an-ni- ina ŠÀ!-bi UZU-MEŠ-ku-nu

o 624–625_T_viii_18624–625_T_viii_18

UZU-MEŠ šá DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu lu-še-ri-bu

§ 95§95
o 626_T_viii_19626_T_viii_19

ki-i šá a-ra-ru a-na dEN iḫ-ṭu-u-ni

(626_T_viii_19) Just as the Cursers sinned against Bel and he cut off their hands and feet and blinded their eyes, so may they annihilate you, and make you sway like reeds in water; may your enemy pull you out like reeds from a bundle.

o 627_T_viii_20627_T_viii_20

kap-pi šá Á-MEŠ-šú-nu GÌR.2-MEŠ-šú-nu

o 627–628_T_viii_21627–628_T_viii_21

ú--ti-qu-u-ni IGI-MEŠ-šú-nu

o 628–629_T_viii_22628–629_T_viii_22

ú-ga-lil-u-ni ki-i ḫa-an-ni-e

o 629–630_T_viii_23629–630_T_viii_23

lig-ma-ru-ku-nu ki-i GI.AMBAR-MEŠ ina A-MEŠ

o 630–631_T_viii_24630–631_T_viii_24

lu-ni-šú-u-ku-nu ki-i GI-MEŠ ina rik-si

o 631_T_viii_25631_T_viii_25

.KÚR-ku-nu li-šá-lip-ku-nu

§ 96§96
o 632_T_viii_26632_T_viii_26

šum-ma at-tu-nu m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur

(632_T_viii_26) If you should forsake Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, and the other sons, the offspring of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, going to the south or to the north, may iron swords consume him who goes to the south and may iron swords likewise consume [him] who goes to the north;

o 633_T_viii_27633_T_viii_27

ù m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u šá É-te

o 633B–C_T_viii_28633B–C_T_viii_28

ù re-eḫ-ti DUMU-MEŠ ṣi-itŠÀ-bi

o 633C–634_T_viii_29633C–634_T_viii_29

šá m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur tu-ram-ma-a-ni

o 634–635_T_viii_30634–635_T_viii_30

a-na ZAG KAB tal-lak-a-ni šá a-na ZAG

o 635_T_viii_31635_T_viii_31

il-lak-u-ni GÍR-MEŠ le-ku-la-šu

o 636_T_viii_32636_T_viii_32

šá a-na KAB il-lak-u-ni GÍR-MEŠ-me le-ku-la-šu

§ 96A§96A
o 636A–B_T_viii_33636A–B_T_viii_33

a-na ka-a-šú-nu DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu DUMU.-MEŠ-ku-nu

(636A–B_T_viii_33) may they burn you, your sons, and your daughters [l]ike a spring lamb or kid.

o 636C_T_viii_34636C_T_viii_34

ki-i UDU.NIM ga-de-e li-qi-lu-ku-nu

§ 97§97
o 637_T_viii_35637_T_viii_35

ki-i šá ki-il-lu šá su-ʾe-e an-nu-[te]

(637_T_viii_35) Just as the noise of the[se] doves is persistent, so may you, your women, your sons and your daughters have no rest or sleep and may your bones never come together.

o 637–638_T_viii_36637–638_T_viii_36

i-ḫal-la-lu-u-ni at-tu-nu -MEŠ-ku-nu

o 638–639_T_viii_37638–639_T_viii_37

DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu DUMU.-MEŠ-ku-nu la ta-nu-ḫa

o 639–640_T_viii_38639–640_T_viii_38

la ta-ṣa-la-la eṣ-mat-e-ku-nu

o 640_T_viii_39640_T_viii_39

a-na a-ḫe- lu la i-qar-ri-ba

§ 98§98
o 641_T_viii_40641_T_viii_40

ki-i šá lib-bu šá ḫup-<pi> ra-qu-u-ni

(641_T_viii_40) Just as the inside of a hole is empty, so may your inside be empty.

o 642_T_viii_41642_T_viii_41

ki ḫa-an-ni-e lib-ba-ku-nu li-ri-iq

§ 99§99
o 643_T_viii_42643_T_viii_42

KI.MIN KI.MIN ki-i .KÚR-ku-nu ú-pa-taḫ-u-ka-nu-ni

(643_T_viii_42) Ditto, ditto; when your enemy pierces you, may there be no honey, oil, ginger or cedar-resin available to place on your wound.

o 644_T_viii_43644_T_viii_43


o 645_T_viii_44645_T_viii_44

a-na šá-kan pi-it-ḫi-ku-nu li-iḫ-liq-qi

§ 100§100
o 646–647_T_viii_45646–647_T_viii_45

ki-i šá mar- mar-rat-u-ni at-tu-nu

(646–647_T_viii_45) Just as gall is bitter, so may you, your women, your sons and your daughters be bitter towards each other.

o 647_T_viii_46647_T_viii_46

-MEŠ-ku-nu DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu DUMU.-MEŠ-ku-nu

o 648_T_viii_47648_T_viii_47

ina UGU a-ḫe- lu mar-ra-ku-nu

§ 101§101
o 649_T_viii_48649_T_viii_48

dUTU ḫu-ḫa-ru šá UD.KA.BAR ina UGU-ḫi-ku-nu

(649_T_viii_48) May Šamaš clamp a bronze bird trap over you and your sons; may he cast you into a trap from which there is no escape, and never let you out alive.

o 649–650_T_viii_49649–650_T_viii_49

DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu li-is-ḫu-up ina giš-par-ri

o 650–651_T_viii_50650–651_T_viii_50

la na-par-šu-di li-di-ku-nu a-a ú-še-ṣi

o 651_T_viii_51651_T_viii_51


§ 102§102
o 652_T_viii_52652_T_viii_52

ki-i šá na-a-du an-ni- šal-qa-tu-u-ni

(652_T_viii_52) Just as this waterskin is split and its water runs out, so may your waterskin break in a place of severe thirst; d[ie] of thirst!

o 652–653_T_viii_53652–653_T_viii_53

A-MEŠ-šá ṣa-pa-ḫu-u-ni ina kaq-qar ṣu-ma--ti lap-lap-[tu]

o 654–655_T_viii_54654–655_T_viii_54

na-da-ku-nu lu ta-ḫi-bi ina ṣu-um me-e mu-[u-ta]

§ 103§103
o 656_T_viii_55656_T_viii_55

KI.MIN KI.MIN ki-i šá KUŠ.E.SIR an-ni- bat-qa-tu-u-ni

(656_T_viii_55) Ditto, ditto; just as these shoes are pierced, so may your shoes be pierced in a region of brier and sharp stones; crawl on your bellies!

o 657_T_viii_56657_T_viii_56

ina kaq-qar pu-qut-ti ga-zi-ri KUŠ.E.SIR-ku-nu

o 658_T_viii_57658_T_viii_57

lib-tu!-qu ina UGU ŠÀ-bi-ku-nu piš-la

§ 104§104
o 659_T_viii_58659_T_viii_58

dEN.LÍL EN GIŠ.GU.ZA-e GIŠ.GU.ZA-ku-nu lu-šá-bal-kit

(659_T_viii_58) May Illil, lord of the throne, overthrow your throne.

§ 105§105
o 660–661_T_viii_59660–661_T_viii_59

dAG na-ši ṭup-pi NAM-MEŠ DINGIR-MEŠ MU-ku-nu

(660–661_T_viii_59) May Nabû, bearer of the tablet of fates of the gods, erase your name, and destroy your seed from the land.

o 661_T_viii_60661_T_viii_60

lip-šiṭ NUMUN-u-ku-nu ina KUR li-ḫal-líq

§ 106§106
o 662_T_viii_61662_T_viii_61

GIŠ.IG ina IGI-e-ku-nu lu-šar-ḫi-ṣu

(662_T_viii_61) May they (= all the great gods) cause the door to be soaked (in blood?) before your eyes. May your doors not open.

o 663_T_viii_62663_T_viii_62

GIŠ.IG-MEŠ-e-ku-nu lu la i-pat-ti-a

§107 Date and Colophon§107 Date and Colophon
o 664_T_viii_63664_T_viii_63


(664_T_viii_63) 16th day of Iyyar, eponymy of Nabû-belu-uṣur, governor of Dur-Šarrukku. The treaty concluded on behalf of Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate of Assyria, and Šamaš-šumu-ukin, the crown prince designate of Babylon.

o 665_T_viii_64665_T_viii_64

lim-mu mdAGENPAB

o 665_T_viii_65665_T_viii_65


o 666_T_viii_66666_T_viii_66

a-de-e ina UGU m-šurDUMU.

o 667_T_viii_67667_T_viii_67

DUMULUGAL GAL-u šá Ére-du-ti

o 667–668_T_viii_68667–668_T_viii_68

ša KUR-šur ù mdGIŠ.NU₁₁MUGI.NA

o 669_T_viii_69669_T_viii_69

DUMULUGAL ša Ére-du-ti

o 669_T_viii_70669_T_viii_70


o 670_T_viii_71670_T_viii_71


Adapted from Jacob Lauinger, 2012 ("Esarhaddon's Succession Treaty at Tell Tayinat: Text and Commentary," Journal of Cuneiform Studies 64, 87–123). Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2016, as part of the research programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair in the Ancient History of the Near and Middle East at LMU Munich (Karen Radner, Humboldt Professorship 2015). The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0 Please cite this page as

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