BATSH 6 071 [judicial document][via atae/durkatlimmu]

o 1o 1

NA₄.KIŠIB mia-di--DINGIR DUMU msa-la-ma-ni1

(1) Seal of Iadiʾ-il, son of Salamani.

o 22

de-e-[nu ša m]sa-gi-bi ARAD ša mDI-mu-LUGAL

(2) Lawsuit of Sagibi, servant of Šulmu-šarri, and of [...], of Ilu-[...]uani, and of Qurdani, servants of Ṣalmu-šarri-iqbi, royal eunuch, and of Saʾalti-ili, servant of the vizier, and of the inhabitants who live in the village of Šulmu-šarri.

o 33

ša m[x]--[x-x] ša mDINGIR-[x]-ú-a-ni ša mqur-da-ni

o 44

ARAD.MEŠ ša mNU-mu-MAN-iq-bi .SAG-MAN

o 55

ša msal-ti-DINGIR ARAD ša .SUKKAL ša ú-šá-bu-ti

o 66

ina ŠÀ-bi URU.ŠE ša mDI-mu-MAN kam-mu-su-u-ni

o 77

de-e-nu ša .MEŠ an-nu-ti TA* mia-di--DINGIR

(7) Lawsuit of these men against Iadiʾ-il concerning the crime committed in the province of the cupbearer in the village of Šulmu-šarri, to which they testify. The son of Iadiʾ-il, who went on a journey, [...] and appeared at court [...], [... to] Sagibi, to the [servants of the royal eunuch and] Saʾalti-ili [...] Iadiʾ-il [...]

o 88

ina UGU-ḫi sa-ar-ti ša ina ŠÀ-bi URU.É-.GAL-KAŠ.LUL

o 99

URU.ŠE ša mDI-mu-LUGAL ep-šá-tu-u-ni ù kan-nu-ni A-šú

three stamp seal impressions
o 1010

ša mia-di--DINGIR ina ŠÀ-bi KASKAL DU-u-ni

o 1111

[x x x] x-u-ni ina IGI DI.KUD RI [x] ik-bu-us-[u-ni]

b.e. 12b.e. 12

[x x x]-ni-a-te m[x x x x x x x x x]

b.e. 1313

[a?-na? m]sa-gi-bi a-[na ARAD?.MEŠ? ša? ?.SAG?-MAN? a?-na?]

b.e. 1414

[msa]-al?-ti-DINGIR [x x x x x x x x]

r 1r 1

[x (x) m]ia-di--DINGIR [x x DI-mu ina ber-ti]

r 22

[mia]-di--DINGIR ina ber-ti .MEŠ an-nu-ti

(r 2) There is peace between Iadiʾ-il and these men. No one will litigate with anyone.

r 33

[mím-ma TA*] mím-ma la DUG₄.DUG₄ man-nu ša ina ur-keš

(r 3) Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract against Iadiʾ-il or his sons, may Aššūr and Šamaš be his legal opponents; he will pay ten minas of silver.

r 44

[ina] ma-te-ma i-GIL-u-ni TA* mia-di-DINGIR ù DUMU.MEŠ-šú

r 55

-šur u dUTU-ši lu-u EN-de-ni-šú 10 MA.NA .BABBAR SUM-an

r 66

ITI.ŠE UD-26-KAM lim-mu mNU-mu-MAN-iq-bi

(r 6) Addaru (XII), 26th day, eponym year of Ṣalmu-šarri-iqbi (623* BC).1

r 77


(r 7) Witness: [...]-šarru-uṣur. Witness: Šarru-emuranni.

r 88

IGI mdi-di-i IGI mam-ma-ni IGI mZÁLAG-d15

(r 8) Witness: Didî. Witness: Ammani. Witness: Nur-Issar.

r 99

IGI mARAD-- IGI m30-MAN-PAB A ma-tu-šú

(r 9) Witness: Urdu-Banitu. Witness: Sîn-šarru-uṣur, son of Atušu.

r 1010


(r 10) Witness: Ilu-epuš. Witness: Adad-aplu-uṣur, son of Šulmu-beli.

t.e. 11t.e. 11

IGI mgab-ba-ri-i IGI mal-lu-tu

(t.e. 11) Witness: Gabbarî. Witness: Allutu.

t.e. 1212


(t.e. 12) Witness: Šamaš-tuklatuʾa, servant of Šulmu-šarri.

l.e. 1l.e. 1

[IGI mx-x]-x.MEŠ

(l.e. 1) Witness: [...].

l.e. 22


(l.e. 2) Witness: [...]-ili.

l.e. 33

[IGI mx-x]-ki

(l.e. 3) Witness: [...]ki.

l.e. 44


(l.e. 4) Witness: Dan-ili.

1line 1 is on the top edge.

1 The post-canonical eponym date follows J.E . Reade , Orientalia NS 67 (1998 ) pp . 255-265 . S . Parpola (PNA 1/1 pp . XVIII-XIX ) proposes that this official was eponym in 630*.

Based on Karen Radner, Die neuassyrischen Texte aus Tall Šēḫ Ḥamad (Berichte der Ausgrabung Tall Sēh (Seh) Hamad/Dur-Katlimmu 6), 2002. Adapted by Poppy Tushingham and Jamie Novotny (2018–2022) for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), which is funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as