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Satellite image of the ruins of Fort Shalmaneser at Kalhu (modern Nimrud) overlaid with a plan of the armory and its archives (Pedersén, Archives and Libraries in the Ancient Near East 1500-300 B.C. p. 146 Plan 67). Image prepared by Jamie Novotny.
This sub-project of the Archival Texts of the Assyrian Empire (ATAE) [/atae/] Project includes open-access versions of the thirty-three Neo-Assyrian texts published in S. Dalley and J.N. Postgate, The Tablets from Fort Shalmaneser (Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud 3), London, 1984. The online corpus can be browsed by clicking this link [/atae/ctn3/corpus/]. A PDF of CTN 3 can be downloaded from the British Institute for the Study of Iraq (BISI) [] website.
Please note that work on the CTN 3 corpus is still in the early stages of preparation and, therefore, none of the texts have yet been lemmatized (linguistically annotated). Moreover, there are some texts that do not yet have English translations, principally because no translation was given in the original publication. Please bear with us while we work on this material.
Click here [/atae/ctn3/pager] to visit the ATAE/CTN 3 corpus, this link [/atae/kalhu/] to visit the ATAE Kalhu Portal, this link [/atae/] to visit the Main ATAE Portal, or this link [/atae/pager] to browse the entire ATAE corpus.
ATAE is a key component of the Archival Texts of the Middle East in Antiquity (ATMEA) sub-project of the LMU-Munich-based Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative [] (MOCCI; directed by Karen Radner and Jamie Novotny). Funding for the ATAE corpus project has been provided by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East).
For further details, see the "About the project" [/atae/AbouttheProject/index.html] page.