The titles of the treatises comprising the Nineveh Medical Encyclopaedia are known from a combination of surviving texts, notes at the end of tablets, and ancient catalogues. They are as follows:
Title: šumma amēlu muhhašu umma ukâl "If a man's skull/brain contains heat (fever)"
[NIGIN2 5] DUB.MEŠ DIŠ N[A UGU-šu2 KUM2 u2-kal EN ku-r]a-ri kib-ši ⌜gi⌝-iṣ-ṣa-te gu-[riš-tu DIRI x x x x (x)] ⌜a⌝-šu-u DAB-⌜su⌝
"[Total of five] tablets of (the section) 'If a man's [skull contains heat (fever)'. Including (prescriptions) for the case that he is full of] kurāru-boils, kibšu-skin complaint (lit. fungus), giṣṣatu (shedding of skin), guraštu-[lesion ... (and remedies for the case that)] ašû-disease afflicts him."
- 1 DIŠ NA UGU-šu2 KUM u2-kal SA ZI SAG.KI TUK-ma (var. SA ⌜SAG.KI⌝-šu2 ZI) IGI.MIN-šu2 i-ṣappar(BAR3) "If a man's skull/brain contains heat (fever), he gets a throbbing sensation in (his) temporal vessels (var. his temporal vessels throb) and his eyes flutter."
- 2 [DIŠ NA SAG.K]I.DAB.BA TUK.TUK-ši "[If a man] repeatedly has a sagkidabbû-headache."
- 3 DIŠ SAG.KI.DAB.BA ŠU.GIDIM.MA ina SU NA il-ta-za-az-ma NU DU8 "If 'seizing of the temples' due to ghost affliction (lit. 'Hand of a ghost') constantly] persists [in a man's body] and cannot be loosened."
- 4 [DIŠ NA SAG.DU-su GIG.MEŠ mat-qu-ti TAB UD.D]A DIRI⌝ "[If a man's head] is full [of 'sweet' lesions and burning] of ṣētu-fever."
- 5 DIŠ NA MURUB4 SAG.DU-šu2 GIR2.GIR2-su UGU-šu2 x [x x x] x-te ŠEŠ2 "If the middle of his head constantly stings him, you rub [his skull with ...]."
Title: šumma amēlu īnāšu marṣā "If a man's eyes are sick"
NIGIN2 4 DUB.MEŠ DIŠ NA IGI.II-šu2 G[IG EN (...) šum4-m]a ⌜IGI.SIG7.SIG7⌝ u sin-⌜lu-ur-ma-a⌝
"Total of four tablets (of the section) 'If a man's eyes are si[ck.' Including (prescriptions) for the case] that (he has) jaundice or night-blindness."
- 1 DIŠ NA IGI.II-šu2 GIG "If a man's eyes are sick."
- 2 DIŠ NA IGI.II-šu2 mur-din-ni ˹DIRI "If a man's eyes are full of (a)murdinnu ('bramble')."
- 3 DIŠ NA IGI.II-šu2 LU3.LU3 "If a man's eyes are constantly troubled."
- 4 [DIŠ NA? x x x x] x x x-⌜šu2 DIRI⌝ "[If a man's] ... are full of [...]."
Title: šumma amēlu uzun imittīšu [(...)] iltanassi "If a man's right ear [(...)] constantly rings (lit. screams)"
1 DUB GEŠTU2 ZAG-[šu2 GU3.GU3-si EN DIŠ NA GEŠTU.I]I-šu2 TA[G.MEŠ-šu2?]
"One tablet (of the section 'If a man's) right ear [rings constantly'. Including (prescriptions) for the case that man]'s [ears] are constantly affected [(lit. keep touching him).]"
- 1 DIŠ NA GEŠTU ZAG-šu2 GU3.GU3-si me-si-ru DAB-si "If a man's right ear rings (lit. screams) constantly, he will experience hard times."
Title: šumma amēlu labânšu ikkalšu šugidimmakku "If a man's neck tendons hurt him due to ghost affliction"
NIGIN2 6 DUB.MEŠ DIŠ NA SA.G[U2-šu2 GU7-šu2 ŠU GIDIM.MA EN ...]x ṭi4-p[i x x (x)] NIG2.LA2 di-ik-še lu ša2 [ZAG lu ša2 GÙB ana p]a-ša2-r[i4-ma?]
"Total of six tablets (of the section) 'If a man's neck tendons [hurt him due to ghost affliction'. Including (prescriptions for) ...] poultices [...], bandage(s) [for] relieving a swelling, whether on the [right or on the left side.]"
- 1 (lost) DIŠ NA SA.GU2-šu2 GU7-šu2 ŠU GIDIM.MA "If a man's neck tendons [hurt him due to ghost affliction]."
- 2 DIŠ NA ŠU.GIDIM.MA DAB-su-ma lu ina DU3-ti A.ZU-ti lu ina DU3-ti MAŠ.MAŠ-ti il-ta-za-az-ma NU DU8 ana [TI]-šú "If ghost affliction affects a man [(and) it lingers on and cannot be removed by the actions of the physician or the exorcist—to cure him."
- 3 DIŠ šum4-ma HUL.GIG ana L[U2? NU TE-e] "One (tablet): For hate magic [not to approach] a man."
- 4 EN2 id-di de2-a ⌜ru-tu⌝ de2-a "Incantation: Ea recited (the spell). Spittle of Ea."
- 5 DIŠ NA mi-šit-tu pa-ni ma-šid-ma ta-lam-ma-šu2 i-šam-ma-am-šu2 KIN mi-šit-ti (GIG) "If a man is struck with facial paralysis (stroke) and his torso goes numb, (he suffers from) the effect of the stroke."
- 6 (lost) DIŠ NA ina MAŠ2.GI6-šu2 [UŠ2.MEŠ] IGI.IGI-mar "If a man constantly sees [dead persons] in his dream."
Title: šumma amēlu dāmu ina appīšu illak "If blood flows from a man's nose."
- 1 ⌜DIŠ NA MUD2 ina⌝ KIR4-šu2 [DU-ku ana MU]D2 KIR4 TAR-[si] "If blood [flows from] a man's nose, [in order to] stop the nosebleed."
Title: šumma amēlu šinnāšu marṣā "If man's teeth are sick"
- 1 DIŠ NA ZU.MEŠ-šu2 GIG MUŠ.DIM.GURUN.N[A ša2 ED[IN.NA U5.MEŠ ...] "If man's teeth are sick you ... copulating geckos of the steppe [...]"
- 2 [DIŠ NA] gi-⌜me-er⌝ ZU2.ME-šu2 i-na-aš2 u ri-šu-t[u4 TUK-ši] "[If] all of a [man's] teeth [are loose. And he gets rishutu."
[NIGIN2 2 DUB.MEŠ DIŠ NA ZU2.MEŠ-šu2 GIG E]N KA-šu2 GIG-uṣ ZU2-šu2 na-di-a[t][. . .] x : ta-a-bi-i-lu DAB-su bu-'-ša2-nu ⌜DAB⌝-s[u(...)] ša2 LU2.TUR
"[Total of two tablets (of the section) 'If a man's teeth are sore].' Including (prescriptions for the case that) his mouth is sore (and) his tooth fallen out, [...], (for the case that) dryness troubles him, bu'šānu-disease troubles him,(including prescriptions for bu'šānu-disease?) in an infant."
Title: šumma amēlu appašu kabit "If a man's nose (breathing) is difficult".
"[Total of six tablets (of the section) 'If a man's breathing becomes difficult.' [Including (prescriptions) for the case that a man's] bronchial tube (is sick), (for) šīqu-illness and (for) an infant suffering from suālu-cough."
- 1 DIŠ NA KIR4-šu DUGUD "If man's nose (breathing) is difficult."
- 2 DIŠ NA GABA-su GIG-at NINDA u A ina GABA-šu2 GUB.MEŠ-zu ha-ah-ha TUK.MEŠ "If a man's chest is sick, so that food and water get stuck in his chest and he continually has a wet cough."
- 3 [DIŠ NA GABA-su SAG ŠA3-šu2] u MAŠ.SIL3.MEŠ-šu2 GU7.MEŠ-šu2 "[If a man's chest, epigastrium (lit. 'top of his belly')] and shoulders hurt him."
- 4 [DIŠ NA KUM2-em u2-ga-na-ah] "[If a man is feverish (lit. hot) and coughs]."
- 5 DIŠ NA su-a-lam GIG ana ša-ha-ṭi "If a man is sick with suālu-cough, in order to remove it...."
- 6 DIŠ NA su-a-lam ha-ha u ki-ṣir-te MU[R.MEŠ? GIG?] "If a man [is sick] with suālu-cough, hahhu-wet cough and constriction of the lungs."
Title: šumma amēlu suāla maruṣ ana kīs libbi itâr "If a man is sick with suālu-cough (which) turns (for him) into intestinal disease (lit. binding of the belly)"
[NIGIN2 5 DUB.MEŠ DIŠ NA su-a-lam GIG ana ki-is Š]A3 GUR-šu2 EN TU15 iš-biṭ-su-⌜ma⌝[...] x U2 NAG-ma ⌜la⌝ i-⌜ar2-ru⌝[ṣe-me-er ... DIŠ NA KA]Š NAG-ma SUHUŠ.MEŠ-šu2 pa-al-qa [di-ig-la ma-a-ṭi? .... GI]G ki-ṣir ŠA3 GIG ki-is ŠA3 [... DIR]I u3 nik-mat TU15 u UD.DA
"[Total of five tablets (of the section) 'If a man is sick with suālu-cough (which)] for him turns into intestinal disease'. Including (prescriptions for the case that) 'wind' has bloated him, [...] he drinks medicine and then does not vomit, [(and his belly) is inflated ..., (including prescriptions) if a man] drinks beer and then his lower extremities are unsteady, [and his eyesight is weakened ... he is] sick with [...], sick with 'belly-knot' (and) intestinal disease (lit. binding of the belly), [(including prescriptions for the case that) ... he is] full of [...] and (prescriptions for) bloating (lit. heaping up of wind) and ṣētu-fever."
- 1 [DIŠ NA su-a-lam GIG ana ki-is ŠA3 GUR-š]u2 "[If a man is sick with suālu-cough (which)] for him turns [into intestinal disease (lit. binding of the belly)]."
- 2 DIŠ NA ŠA3-šu2 GIG GA AB2 KU3.GA I3.NUN.NA U4.2.KAM NAG "If a man's belly is sick (he shall drink milk of a pure cow (with) ghee for two days."
- 3 [DIŠ NA SAG ŠA3-šu2 GU7-šu2 ina ge-ši-šu2 ZE2 im-ta-na-' NA BI qer-bé-na GIG "[If a man's epigastrium hurts him, and when he belches he keeps producing bile, this man is sick internally."
- 4 DIŠ NA UD.DA KUR-id ZI SAG.KI GIG ina lam DUGUD-šu2 ana TI.BI "If a man is] overcome [by ṣētu-fever, he suffers from pulsating of the temple, in norder to cure him before it becomes severe for him.]"
- 5 DIŠ NA ŠA-šu2 KUM DAB-it "If heat (fever) afflicts a man's belly."
Title: šumma amēlu rēš libbīšu naši "If a man's epigastrium is swollen (lit. risen)."
⌜NIGIN2 4⌝ D[UB.MEŠ DIŠ NA SAG ŠA3-šu2 na-ši EN (DIŠ)...]x x x x ne-he-[es gišGIGIR ........]
"Total of four [tablets (of the section) ['If a man's epigastrium is raised.' Including (prescriptions for) ...] ..., 'reversing-[of-the-chariot', ...]."
- 1 DIŠ NA SAG ŠA3-šu2 na-ši MURUB4.MEŠ-šu2 mi-na-tu-šu2 GU7.MEŠ-šu2 "[If a man's epigastrium is raised and his hips and limbs hurt him."
- 2 (lost) DIŠ NA (...) mi-h]i-iṣ ŠA3-šu2 lu di-kiš GABA TUK-ši "[If a man] gets 'heart-attack' or swelling of the chest."
- 3 (lost) [DIŠ NA?] "[If a man ...]"
- 4 (lost) DIŠ NA NAM.ERIM2 š]ah-hi-hu GIG mim-mu-u i-lem-mu ⌜ina⌝ ŠA3-šu2 la i-na-ah ⌜bal⌝-ṭam-ma ana DUR2-šu2 u2-tab-bak NINDA NU GU7 NA BI GID2-ma UG7 ana maš-taq-ti-šu2 u bul-lu-ṭi2-šu2 "[If a man] is sick with 'wasting-away' [caused by a broken oath] so that anything he eats does not rest easy in his belly, and he pours it out raw into his anus, and he cannot eat food, this man will be ill for a long time and then die; for his cutting off and to cure him."
- 5 (lost) DIŠ NA GI[DIM DAB-su-ma ...] "If a gh[ost afflicts] a man [...]."
- 6 (lost) DIŠ NA NINDA N[U GU7 KAŠ NU NAG ...] "If a man [can] neither [eat] bread [nor drink beer ...]."
- 7 (lost) DIŠ NA ZI.K[U5.RU.DA DU3-su...] x x[ x (x)] "If 'cutting-of-the-throat' [magic has been performed against] a man [...]."
- 8 [...]
EN 8 DUB.ME[Š...KA.INIM.MA UŠ11.BUR2.RU.]⌜DA⌝.[KAM (x)] EN EN2 u2-š[a2-an-ni na-mir-tum (u) DIŠ NA ... ina DU/KI.NU2-š]u2 re-hu-su [DU-ma?]
"Including eight tablets of [..., (including) incantations to remove witch]craft [(...)], including the incantation: 'It has chan[ged its brightness]'. (And prescriptions) for the case that a man ... (and) his] semen [flows when] he [walks/lies down (in bed)]."
Title: šumma amēlu kalīssu ikkalšu "If man's kidney hurts him"
NIGIN2 3 DUB.MEŠ DI[Š NA ELLAG2-su GU7-šu2 EN (...)] ša2 mu-⌜ṣi⌝
"Total of three tablets (of the section) 'If [a man's kidney hurts him'. Including (prescriptions) (...)] for discharge (mūṣu)."
- 1 (lost) DIŠ NA ELLAG2-su G[U7-šu2
"If a man's kidney hurts [him]."
DIŠ NA ELLAG2-su GU7-šu lu ŠU DINGIR [... lu ŠU ...] DAB-su "If a man's kidney hurts him, or‚ Hand of the god' [... or ‚Hand of ...'] has seized him."
- 2 (lost) DIŠ NA mi-na-tu-šu2 DUB.MEŠ-ka A2.II-šu2 kim-ṣa-a-šu2 u3 bir-ka-šu2 [GU7.MEŠ ana TI-šu2] "[If a man's limbs] are constantly 'poured' out and his arms, legs and knees hurt him, to cure him."
- 3 DIŠ NA lu ELLAG2-su [GU7-šu2? lu KAŠ3.MEŠ-šu2 ...]x.LA2 GIG "If either a man's kidney [hurts him? or his urine ...,] he suffers from [...]."
Title: šumma amēlu ina lā simānīšu qablāšu ikkalāšu "If a man has pain in his hips prematurely""
NIGIN2 5 DU[B.MEŠ DIŠ NA ina la si-ma-ni-š]u2 MURUB4.MEŠ-šu2 GU7.MEŠ-šú ša2 DUR2.GIG.GA.KAM2 EN DIŠ N[A . . .] x u UD.DA DIRI-u2 "Total of five tablets (of the section) 'If a man has pain in his hips prematurely'. (With incantations of the genre) 'It is rectal disease'. Including (prescriptions) for the case that a man'[s ...] are full of ... and ṣētu-fever."
- 1 DIŠ NA ina la si-ma-ni-šu2 MURUB4.MEŠ-šu2 GU7.MEŠ-šu2 kim-ṣa-a-š[u2 i-za-q]ata-⌜šu2⌝ bur-ka-š2 i-ka-ṣa-ṣa-šu2 NA BI ina meṣ-he-ru-ti-⌜šu2⌝ [DUR2 G]IG ana TI-šu2 (...) "If a man [has pain in his hips] prematurely, his legs cause him a stigning pain, his knees gnaw at him with pain, that man suffers from rectal (disease) in his youth—in order to cure him ..."
- 2 D]IŠ NA KUM2 UD.DA EN.TE.NA TU15 u ša-⌜ra APIN⌝ NU IL2 "If a man cannot 'raise the seeder-plough' (due to) fever (lit. heat), ṣētu-fever, chill, flatulence, and 'wind'."
- 3 DIŠ NA li-kiš DUR2 GIG (GIG) ŠA3.MEŠ-šu2 MU2.MEŠ-hu it-<te->ne2-bi-tu NA BI [...] "If a man [suffers] from likšu [of the anus (and his innards, his bowels are continually bloated and distended: that man ...."
- 4 DIŠ NA KI.NU2-ma šit-ta-šu2 UGU-šu2 DUG3.GA ZI-ma i-ka-šu-uš GU[R-ma ...] "If a man lies] down and has a good sleep, but then gets up and feels faint, and returns (to sleep)."
- 5 DIŠ NA DUR2.[GIG] GIG-ma "If a man suffers from rectal [disease]."
Title: šumma amēlu sagalla maruṣ "If a man suffers from sagallu-hamstring problems"
[NIGIN2 4 DUB.MEŠ DIŠ NA SA.GAL GIG (EN) ...] ša2 MURUB4 EN maš-ka15-<du3> SA.GAL ša2-aš-ša2-ṭa [... DIŠ NA GIRI3.II-šu2 ki-is]-sa-tu4 GIRI3.II-šu2 GIG.MEŠ DIRI-u2 [.....]x-ma ⌜IGI⌝ GIG-šu2 BABBAR ŠUB a-si-da ŠU.SI u UMBIN
"[Total of four? tablets (of the section) 'If a man suffers from sagallu-hamstring problems.' Including ... ] of the hip(s), including (treatments for) maškadu-disease, hamstring problems (and) šaššaṭu-disease of the joints, [(prescriptions for the case) ... that a man's feet] (are full of) 'gnawing sickness', (or if) his feet are full of lesions, [...] and the surface of his lesion is dotted white (as well as treatments for) the heels, toes and nails."
- 1 (lost) DIŠ NA SA.GAL GIG (...) "If a man [suffers from sagallu-hamstring problems? (...)."
- 2 DIŠ NA SA] UR2.MEŠ-šu2 1-niš GU7.MEŠ-šu2 ZI-a u DU.MEŠ-ka ⌜la-i⌝-[le-'i] SA.[GAL MU.NI] "[If] all the muscles of a [man's] thigh constantly hurt him all at once, and he can neither stand up nor walk, it is called sagallu disease."
- 3 (lost) DIŠ NA bur-ka-šu2 mun-ga DIRI EGIR-šu2 iš-ša[d-dad] "If a man's knees are paralysed (lit. full of paralysis). And his back becomes stretched out."
- 4 (lost) DIŠ NA GIRI3-šu2 bu-bu-u]h?-ta DIRI IL2 "[If a man's foot] is full? of ˹boil(s)? and swollen."