About this catalogue

The Ashurbanipal Library catalogue remains a work in progress. It builds on the acquisition registers, file cards and collections database of the British Museum, the printed catalogues of Bezold and others, Leichty's bibliography, additional cataloguing by Fincke and Borger, and the incorporation of various other resources, printed and electronic. An attempt is being made to bring it fully up-to-date and keep it up-to-date as new publications appear. We warmly welcome the input of colleagues.

The catalogue that appears here is designed to contain the following information:




Jonathan Taylor

Jonathan Taylor, 'About this catalogue', Ashurbanipal Library Project, The Ashurbanipal Library Project, Department of the Middle East, The British Museum, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG, 2022 [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/asbp/Abouttheproject/Aboutthiscatalogue/]

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