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Astronomical Diary -330 with an account of the battle of Gaugamela © The Trustees of the British Museum.
ADsD offers an online edition of the Babylonian Astronomical Diaries, originally published in the series Astronomical Diaries and Related texts from Babylonia (ADART) prepared by Abraham Sachs and Hermann Hunger.
Reinhard Pirngruber, Maya Rinderer, Craig A. Harris.
ADsD greatly benefitted from the generosity of Prof. Hermann Hunger, who put at our disposal his computer files of the original publication. We would also like to acknowledge the selfless technical support by Jamie Novotny and Nathan Morello.
ADsD is an outcome of the research grant (P 30311) Astronomical Diaries Digital sponsored by the Austria Science Funds (FWF), carried out at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Division: Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities) and led by Reinhard Pirngruber.